Table of Contents
- IWriter
- EMWarningInterface
- LimeSurvey Copyright (C) 2007-2013 The LimeSurvey Project Team / Carsten Schmitz All rights reserved.
- CommandInterface
- RendererInterface
- FormatterInterface
- TransformerInterface
- ValidatorInterface
- InputInterface
- MenuButtonInterface
- Interface descriptions here:
- MenuInterface
- Interface descriptions here:
- MenuItemInterface
- Interface descriptions here:
- OpInterface
- OpHandlerInterface
- OpTypeInterface
- iPlugin
- iPluginStorage
- PermissionInterface
- AddNotificationCommand
- CompileAssetsCommand
- IdValidator
- DbSeederCommand
- DemomodeCommand
- FlushAssetsCommand
- ImportSurveyCommand
- InstallCommand
- InstallFromConfigCommand
- PluginCommand
- ResetPasswordCommand
- TwigCommand
- This class will generate all the twig cache file from command line, even if LimeSurvey is not installed.
- UpdateDBCommand
- ValidateExpressionCommand
- LimeSurvey (tm) Copyright (C) 2011 The LimeSurvey Project Team / Carsten Schmitz All rights reserved.
- WipeCommand
- XmlTranslationCommand
- To execute this command : php application/commands/console.php XmlTranslation index php application/commands/console.php XmlTranslation generateTranslationFiles
- Expressions
- Class Expressions
- ExpressionValidate
- Survey Common Action
- HtmlEditorPop
- Survey Common Action
- Index
- Survey Common Action
- NotificationController
- Mostly for Ajax actions
- ParticipantsAction
- This is the main controller for Participants Panel
- PluginHelper
- Survey Common Action
- PluginManagerController
- Survey Common Action
- QuestionThemes
- Survey Common Action
- RemoteControl
- Survey Common Action
- SurveymenuController
- Class SurveymenuController
- SurveymenuEntryController
- Class SurveymenuEntryController
- SurveysGroupsController
- Class SurveysGroupsController
- TutorialEntryController
- Survey Common Action
- TutorialsController
- This tutorial controller is the first step to have user generated tutorials.
- AdminController
- AjaxAlertController
- Controller for rendering AlertWidget via Ajax call
- AssessmentController
- Class LSBaseController
- EditorLinkController
- FailedEmailController
- Class LSBaseController
- HomepageSettingsController
- Class HomepageSettingsController
- LimeReplacementFieldsController
- Class LSBaseController
- LSBaseController
- Class LSBaseController
- PluginsController
- QuestionAdministrationController
- Class QuestionAdministrationController
- QuestionGroupsAdministrationController
- Class LSBaseController
- QuickTranslationController
- Class LSBaseController
- QuotasController
- Class LSBaseController
- ResponsesController
- class ResponsesController
- RestController
- SmtpOAuthController
- Class LSBaseController
- StatisticsUserController
- SurveyIndex
- SurveyAdministrationController
- Class SurveyAdministrationController
- SurveyController
- SurveyPermissionsController
- Class LSBaseController
- SurveysController
- This class will handle survey creation and manipulation.
- SurveysGroupsPermissionController
- Class SurveysGroupsPermissionController
- ThemeOptionsController
- Class LSBaseController
- UploaderController
- UserGroupController
- class UserGroupController
- UserManagementController
- Class UserManagementController
- UserRoleController
- Class LSBaseController
- AuthPluginBase
- ConsoleApplication
- ConsoleHttpSession
- DbConnection
- MssqlSchema
- MysqlSchema
- PgsqlSchema
- LimeMailer
- WIP A SubClass of phpMailer adapted for LimeSurvey
- LS_Twig_Extension
- LSAuthResult
- LSBootstrap
- For updating from 2.06 to 2.5.
- LSCActiveDataProvider
- LSCaptcha
- CCaptcha class file.
- LSDbCriteria
- LsDefaultDataSets
- A collection of default data sets, like surveymenus, surveymenuentries, and tutorials
- LSETwigViewRenderer
- Twig view renderer, LimeSurvey overload
- LSFileHelper
- LSGettextMoFile
- Extends CGettextMoFile to make it compatible with PHP 8.1
- LSHttpRequest
- Description of HttpRequest
- LSMessageSource
- LSMessageSource class file.
- LSSodium
- Class LSSodium
- LSSodiumOld
- Class LSSodiumOld
- LSUserException
- LSUserIdentity
- For 2.06 most of the functionality in this class will be moved to the LSWebUser class.
- LSWebUser
- LSYii_Application
- Implements global config
- LSYii_AssetManager
- LimeSurvey Copyright (C) 2007-2018 The LimeSurvey Project Team / Carsten Schmitz All rights reserved.
- LSYii_CaseValidator
- LSYii_ClientScript
- LSYii_CompareInsensitiveValidator
- LSYii_Controller
- LSYii_DisableUpdateValidator
- LSYii_EmailIDNAValidator
- LSYii_FilterValidator
- Extends CFilterValidator class to add PHP 8.1 compatibility. Based on Yii 2's FilterValidator
- LSYii_HtmlPurifier
- LSYii_ImageValidator
- LSYii_Locale
- LSYii_NonFormulaValidator
- Validator class for potential CSV injection attacks.
- LSYii_NoUpdateValidator
- LSYii_ShortUrlValidator
- Validator class for Short URLs (Survey Aliases).
- LSYii_Validators
- PluginBase
- NB: Deleting this class will break plugin API, since plugins then would have to extend PluginBase in the namespace instead of this class. This is especially a problem for plugins that should work on both 2.73 and 3.x, so please don't delete this class.
- PluginEvent
- PluginManager
- Class PluginManagerD Dummy class for 2.05 plugins.
- AuditLog
- mdlAuditlog
- This is the model class for table "{{plugins}}".
- Authdb
- AuthLDAP
- Authwebserver
- AzureOAuthSMTP
- ComfortUpdateChecker
- NB: Deleting this class will break plugin API, since plugins then would have to extend PluginBase in the namespace instead of this class. This is especially a problem for plugins that should work on both 2.73 and 3.x, so please don't delete this class.
- CUCMenuClass
- customToken
- NB: Deleting this class will break plugin API, since plugins then would have to extend PluginBase in the namespace instead of this class. This is especially a problem for plugins that should work on both 2.73 and 3.x, so please don't delete this class.
- dateFunctions
- NB: Deleting this class will break plugin API, since plugins then would have to extend PluginBase in the namespace instead of this class. This is especially a problem for plugins that should work on both 2.73 and 3.x, so please don't delete this class.
- EMFunctions
- ExportR
- RDataWriter
- Contains functions and properties that are common to all writers.
- RSyntaxWriter
- Contains functions and properties that are common to all writers.
- ExportSPSSsav
- ExportSTATAxml
- AnswerOptionsFunctions
- ExpressionAnswerOptions
- NB: Deleting this class will break plugin API, since plugins then would have to extend PluginBase in the namespace instead of this class. This is especially a problem for plugins that should work on both 2.73 and 3.x, so please don't delete this class.
- expressionFixedDbVar
- expressionFixedDbVar : add some fixed DB var : SEED, STARTDATE …
- expressionQuestionForAll
- expressionQuestionForAll : Add QCODE.question for question with subquestion for expression Manager.
- expressionQuestionHelp
- expressionQuestionHelp : add for expression Manager
- FunctionStatic
- NB: Deleting this class will break plugin API, since plugins then would have to extend PluginBase in the namespace instead of this class. This is especially a problem for plugins that should work on both 2.73 and 3.x, so please don't delete this class.
- StaticFunctions
- GoogleOAuthSMTP
- mailSenderToFrom
- mailSenderToFrom : Set the smtp user to sender and from Needed for some smtp server, see mantis issue #10529 <>
- oldUrlCompat
- Plugin to redirect old url system (index.php?sid=surveyid) to the new url
- PasswordRequirement
- Core plugin for LimeSurvey : password requirement settings
- countFunctions
- questionCodeHelper
- statFunctions
- NB: Deleting this class will break plugin API, since plugins then would have to extend PluginBase in the namespace instead of this class. This is especially a problem for plugins that should work on both 2.73 and 3.x, so please don't delete this class.
- qrstr
- QRtools
- QRspec
- QRimage
- QRinputItem
- QRinput
- QRbitstream
- QRsplit
- QRrsItem
- QRrs
- QRmask
- QRrsblock
- QRrawcode
- QRcode
- FrameFiller
- QRencode
- QRvect
- TFAHelper
- Helper functionalities for 2fa plugin
- TFAMenuClass
- Extending the basic menu class with an icon in front of the label
- TFAQrCodeGenerator
- TFAPluginInstaller
- Installer class for the TwoFactorAdminLogin Plugin A collecton of static helpers to install the Plugin
- TFAUser
- Abstracted user model for TFA admin view.
- TFAUserKey
- Controller model for TFA users secret keys
- TwoFactorAdminLogin
- UpdateCheck
- Plugin to check for extension updates after a super admin logs in.
- DataSetFivePointChoice
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderFivePointChoice
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetArray10ChoiceQuestion
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderArray10ChoiceQuestion
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetArray5ChoiceQuestion
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderArray5ChoiceQuestion
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetArrayFlexibleColumn
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RendererArrayFlexibleColumn
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetArrayFlexibleRow
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderArrayFlexibleRow
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetArrayMultiFlexNumbers
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderArrayMultiFlexNumbers
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetArrayMultiFlexText
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderArrayMultiFlexText
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetArrayMultiscale
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderArrayMultiscale
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetArrayOfIncSameDecQuestions
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderArrayOfIncSameDecQuestions
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetArrayYesUncertainNo
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderArrayYesUncertainNo
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetBoilerplate
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderBoilerplate
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetDate
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderDate
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetDummyQuestion
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- DummyQuestionEditContainer
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetEquation
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderEquation
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetFileUpload
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderFileUpload
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetGenderDropdown
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderGenderDropdown
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetHugeFreeText
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderHugeFreeText
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetLanguage
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderLanguageSelector
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetListDropdown
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderListDropdown
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetListRadio
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderListRadio
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetListWithComment
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderListComment
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- LoadQuestionTypes
- DataSetLongFreeText
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderLongFreeText
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetMultipleChoice
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderMultipleChoice
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetMultipleChoiceWithComments
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderMultipleChoiceWithComments
- RenderClass for MultipleChoiceWithComments Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetMultipleNumerical
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderMultipleNumerical
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetMultipleShortText
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderMultipleShortText
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetNumerical
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderNumerical
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetRanking
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderRanking
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetShortFreeText
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderShortFreeText
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- DataSetYesNoRadio
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- RenderYesNoRadio
- RenderClass for Boilerplate Question * The ia Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- StaticModel
- Class StaticModel A general class to use in case of non-db models
- TopbarConfiguration
- DbHttpSession
- WrongTemplateVersionException
- Thrown when template/theme can't be loaded and there's a mismatch between template version in db and in config.xml
- EmailPluginInfo
- FormElement
- GeneralOption
- Wrapper class for question general option.
- SwitchOption
- CPDBException
- Used to spit out error messages if mapping attributes doesn't work.
- AccordionWidget
- CLSGridView
- Bootstrap Zii grid view.
- CLSYiiPager
- GridActionsWidget
- massiveActionsWidget
- This widget render a drop-up button for grid massive actions, and attach modals to the actions.
- PreviewModalWidget
- Used for question type select, display export options.
- LanguagesWidget
- ListSurveysWidget
- This widget display the list of surveys.
- PositionWidget
- This widget display a position selection for a question inside a group. It's used for now in "add new question".
- TextDisplaySwitch
- AdminFooter
- Render the admin footer including version and build info when logged in
- AdvancedSettingWidget
- AlertWidget
- Creates a bootstrap alert on given options to fit the admin theme design.
- BreadcrumbWidget
- Creates the breadcrumbs for the topbar If the text legth of the full breadcrumbs are higher than the configured threshold, some elements will be replaced with an ellipsis
- ButtonGroupWidget
- Creates a Buttongroup that behaves like a switch with radio input type
- ButtonWidget
- Creates a button based on given options to fit the admin theme design.
- CallbackColumn
- CaptchaExtendedAction
- Yii extended captcha supporting more complex formulas and masking techniques.
- CaptchaExtendedValidator
- Extended captcha client validator Implements support for UTF-8 extended latin2, cyrillic etc characters
- CustomFormatter
- DateTimePicker
- DateTimePicker widget class A simple implementation for date range picker for Twitter Bootstrap 5
- FlashMessage
- GeneralOptionWidget
- ClearDefaultGeneralOption
- Wrapper class for question general option.
- EncryptionGeneralOption
- Wrapper class for question general option.
- GroupSelectorGeneralOption
- Wrapper class for question general option.
- MandatoryGeneralOption
- Wrapper class for question general option.
- OtherGeneralOption
- Wrapper class for question general option.
- QuestionThemeGeneralOption
- Wrapper class for question general option.
- RelevanceEquationGeneralOption
- Wrapper class for question general option.
- SaveAsDefaultGeneralOption
- Wrapper class for question general option.
- ValidationGeneralOption
- Wrapper class for question general option.
- GridViewWidget
- InputWidget
- LimeDebug
- LimeScript
- TopbarWidget
- PanelBoxWidget
- SettingsWidget
- UserPermissionsWidget
- JsonEditor
- AjaxHelper
- Ajax helper This class will help to standardize the Ajax communication between server and client.
- JsonOutput
- Base class for json output
- JsonOutputNoPermission
- Permission set to false
- JsonOutputError
- Set error in constructor, which will be shown as a pop-up on client.
- JsonOutputSuccess
- Set success message in constructor, which will be shown as a pop-up on client.
- JsonOutputModal
- Base class for json output
- JsonOutputNotLoggedIn
- Echo html for log in form modal body This is a special case of JsonOutputModal, but with fixed html Only used through JsonOutputNotLoggedIn in AdminController::run.
- JsonOutputHtml
- Echo HTML and put it in a <div> with id $target.
- CsvWriter
- Contains functions and properties that are common to all writers.
- DocWriter
- Contains functions and properties that are common to all writers.
- ExcelWriter
- Exports results in Microsoft Excel format. By default the Writer sends HTTP headers and the file contents via HTTP. For testing purposes a file name can be to the constructor which will cause the ExcelWriter to output to a file.
- FormattingOptions
- HtmlWriter
- Contains functions and properties that are common to all writers.
- JsonWriter
- Contains functions and properties that are common to all writers.
- PdfWriter
- Contains functions and properties that are common to all writers.
- SurveyDao
- SurveyObj
- Translator
- Writer
- Contains functions and properties that are common to all writers.
- ExportSurveyResultsService
- statistics_helper
- ClassFactory
- ExpressionManager
- Description of ExpressionManager (1) Does safe evaluation of PHP expressions. Only registered Functions, and known Variables are allowed.
- LimeExpressionManager
- EmCacheException
- Exception used by EmCacheHelper.
- EmCacheHelper
- Discussion here: PR:
- EMWarningAssignment
- LimeSurvey Copyright (C) 2007-2013 The LimeSurvey Project Team / Carsten Schmitz All rights reserved.
- EMWarningBase
- LimeSurvey Copyright (C) 2007-2013 The LimeSurvey Project Team / Carsten Schmitz All rights reserved.
- EMWarningHTMLBaker
- Small helper class to compose HTML from $warnings.
- EMWarningInvalidComparison
- LimeSurvey Copyright (C) 2007-2013 The LimeSurvey Project Team / Carsten Schmitz All rights reserved.
- EMWarningPlusOperator
- LimeSurvey Copyright (C) 2007-2013 The LimeSurvey Project Team / Carsten Schmitz All rights reserved.
- LayoutHelper
- Class LayoutHelper
- pdfHelper
- General helper class for generating pdf.
- questionHelper
- General helper class for question + question setting system
- questionIndexHelper
- remotecontrol_handle
- SortHelper
- SurveyRuntimeHelper
- LimeSurvey Copyright (C) 2007-2011 The LimeSurvey Project Team / Carsten Schmitz All rights reserved.
- SurveyThemeHelper
- General helper class for survey themes
- DatabaseUpdateBase
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_133
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_134
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_135
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_136
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_137
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_138
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_139
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_140
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_141
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_142
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_143
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_145
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_146
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_147
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_148
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_149
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_150
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_151
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_152
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_153
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_154
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_155
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_156
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_157
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_158
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_159
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_160
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_161
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_162
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_164
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_165
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_166
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_167
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_168
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_169
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_170
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_171
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_172
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_173
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_174
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_175
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_176
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_177
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_178
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_179
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_180
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_181
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_183
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_184
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_250
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_251
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_252
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_253
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_254
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_255
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_256
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_257
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_258
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_259
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_260
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_261
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_262
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_263
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_290
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_291
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_293
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_294
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_296
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_298
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_304
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_305
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_306
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_307
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_308
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_309
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_310
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_311
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_312
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_313
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_314
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_315
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_316
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_317
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_318
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_319
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_320
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_321
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_322
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_323
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_324
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_325
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_326
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_327
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_328
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_329
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_330
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_331
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_332
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_333
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_334
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_335
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_336
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_337
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_338
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_339
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_340
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_341
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_342
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_343
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_344
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_345
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_346
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_347
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_348
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_349
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_350
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_351
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_352
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_353
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_354
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_355
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_356
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_357
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_358
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_359
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_360
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_363
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_364
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_400
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_401
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_402
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_403
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_404
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_405
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_406
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_407
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_408
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_409
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_410
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_411
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_412
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_413
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_414
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_415
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_416
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_417
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_418
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_419
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_420
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_421
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_422
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_423
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_424
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_425
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_426
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_427
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_428
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_429
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_430
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_431
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_432
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_433
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_434
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_435
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_436
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_437
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_438
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_439
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_440
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_441
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_442
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_443
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_444
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_445
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_446
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_447
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_448
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_449
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_450
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_451
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_452
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_453
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_460
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_470
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_471
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_472
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_473
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_475
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_476
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_477
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_478
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_479
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_480
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_481
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_482
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_483
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_484
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_485
- Add missing noTablesOnMobile.css to vanilla configs again. It was done on 428, but the bug on LsDefaultDataSets remained causing problems on new installations.
- Update_486
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_487
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_488
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_489
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_490
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_491
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_492
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_493
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_494
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_495
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_600
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_601
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_602
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_603
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_604
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_607
- Some of it is a copy of update 453 which has been skipped on some installations
- Update_608
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_609
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_612
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_613
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_614
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_615
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_616
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_617
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_618
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_619
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_620
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_621
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_622
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- Update_623
- Base class for database migration, inspired by Yii.
- userstatistics_helper
- viewHelper
- General helper class for generating views.
- ProgressBar
- quexmlpdf
- A TCPDF based class to produce queXF compatible questionnaire PDF files and banding description XML from queXML
- SettingsStorage
- ApiConfig
- ApiConfig
- ApiException
- AuthSession
- ApiCommandException
- Exception
- Options
- Request
- Response
- ResponseFactory
- StatusError
- StatusErrorBadRequest
- StatusErrorForbidden
- StatusErrorNotFound
- StatusErrorUnauthorised
- StatusSuccess
- StatusSuccessCreated
- StatusSuccessNoContent
- Status
- ResponseDataError
- ExceptionInvalidUser
- SessionKeyCreate
- SessionKeyRelease
- SiteSettings
- Site Settings
- SurveyDetail
- SurveyGroupList
- SurveyList
- OpHandlerAnswer
- OpHandlerAnswerDelete
- OpHandlerLanguageSettingsUpdate
- OpHandlerQuestionAttributeUpdate
- OpHandlerQuestionCreate
- OpHandlerQuestionDelete
- OpHandlerQuestionGroup
- OpHandlerQuestionGroupL10n
- OpHandlerQuestionGroupReorder
- OpHandlerQuestionGroupReorder is responsible for reordering question groups and also questions
- OpHandlerQuestionL10nUpdate
- OpHandlerQuestionUpdate
- OpHandlerSubQuestion
- Class OpHandlerSubQuestion can handle create and update of subquestions which belong to a single question.
- OpHandlerSubquestionDelete
- OpHandlerSurveyUpdate
- PatcherSurvey
- ExceptionErrorItem
- ExceptionErrors
- This class is responsible for organizing and return of error messages from thrown exceptions during a patch operation for the response of PatcherSurvey.
- SurveyResponse
- This class is responsible for preparing and building the whole response for PatcherSurvey
- TempIdMapItem
- TempIdMapping
- This class is responsible for handling and returning tempId <-> real Id mapping of newly created entities as part of the response of PatcherSurvey.
- ValidationErrorItem
- ValidationErrors
- This class is responsible for handling and returning transformer validation errors of an operation for the response of PatcherSurvey
- SurveyPatch
- TransformerInputAnswer
- TransformerInputAnswerL10ns
- TransformerInputAnswerL10nsCollection
- TransformerInputQuestion
- TransformerInputQuestionAggregate
- TransformerInputQuestionAttribute
- TransformerInputQuestionGroup
- TransformerInputQuestionGroupAggregate
- TransformerInputQuestionGroupL10ns
- TransformerInputQuestionGroupReorder
- TransformerInputQuestionL10ns
- TransformerInputSubQuestion
- TransformerInputSubQuestionAggregate
- TransformerInputSubQuestionL10ns
- TransformerInputSurvey
- TransformerInputSurveyLanguageSettings
- TransformerOutputAnswer
- TransformerOutputAnswerL10ns
- TransformerOutputQuestion
- TransformerOutputQuestionAttribute
- TransformerOutputQuestionGroup
- TransformerOutputQuestionGroupL10ns
- TransformerOutputQuestionL10ns
- TransformerOutputSurvey
- TransformerOutputSurveyDetail
- TransformerOutputSurveyDetail
- TransformerOutputSurveyGroup
- TransformerOutputSurveyLanguageSettings
- TransformerOutputSurveyOwner
- UserList
- EndpointFactory
- Endpoint
- RestEndpoint
- RendererBasic
- RestConfig
- RestConfig
- RestRendererV1
- SchemaFactoryAnswer
- SchemaFactoryAuthToken
- SchemaFactoryError
- SchemaFactoryQuestion
- SchemaFactoryQuestionAttribute
- SchemaFactoryQuestionAttributes
- SchemaFactoryQuestionGroup
- SchemaFactoryQuestionGroupL10ns
- SchemaFactoryQuestionL10ns
- SchemaFactorySiteSettings
- SchemaFactorySurvey
- SchemaFactorySurveyDetail
- SchemaFactorySurveyGroup
- SchemaFactorySurveyGroupList
- SchemaFactorySurveyLanguageSettings
- SchemaFactorySurveyList
- SchemaFactorySurveyPatch
- SchemaFactoryUser
- SchemaFactoryUserList
- Filter
- Filters are applied before validation.
- FormatterDateTimeToJson
- Formatter DateTime to Json
- FormatterIntToBool
- FormatterMandatory
- This class is extending the FormatterYnToBool class in revert mode to be able to translate null value to 'S'.
- FormatterYnToBool
- TransformerOutputActiveRecord
- Registry
- Handles the registering of validators and formatters
- Transformer
- TransformerException
- ValidatorDate
- Example config: 'expires' => ['date'] or 'expires' => ['date' => true]
- ValidatorEmpty
- Example config: 'expires' => ['empty' => false]
- ValidatorLength
- Example config (requires min and/or max): 'admin' => ['length' => ['min' => 1, 'max' => 50]] or 'admin' => ['length' => ['min' => 1]] or 'admin' => ['length' => ['max' => 50]]
- ValidatorNull
- Example config: 'expires' => ['null' => false]
- ValidatorNumerical
- Example config (optional min and max): 'tokenLength' => ['numerical' => true] or 'tokenLength' => ['numerical'] or 'tokenLength' => ['numerical' => ['min' => -1]] or 'tokenLength' => ['numerical' => ['max' => 50]] or 'tokenLength' => ['numerical' => ['min' => -1, 'max' => 50]]
- ValidatorRange
- Example config: 'showGroupInfo' => ['range' => ['B', 'N', 'D', 'X', 'I']]
- ValidatorRegex
- Example config: 'googleAnalyticsApiKey' => ['pattern' => '/^[a-zA-Z\-\d]*$/']
- ValidatorRequired
- Example config: 'expires' => ['required'] or 'expires' => ['required' => true] or required only on certain operation types 'expires' => ['required' => ['create', 'update']]
- BigData
- Class containing helper functions for dealing with "big data".
- BigFile
- Date_Time_Converter
- Date and Time Converter by Elac v0.9.3
- DI
- Dependency Injection
- ExtensionInstaller
- Base class for different extension installers.
- ExtensionUpdater
- ExtensionUpdaterServiceLocator
- FileFetcher
- Fetch files for the ExtensionInstaller to install.
- FileFetcherUploadZip
- Extension file fetcher for upload ZIP file.
- GitVersionFetcher
- PluginInstaller
- Base class for different extension installers.
- PluginUpdater
- QuestionThemeInstaller
- Base class for different extension installers.
- RESTVersionFetcher
- ThemeUpdater
- VersionFetcher
- VersionFetcherServiceLocator
- Central Yii component to add and retrieve version fetcher strategies.
- FormExtensionService
- FormExtensionWidget
- BaseInput
- ButtonSwitchInput
- CheckboxInput
- Basic checkbox input.
- DefaultBaseRenderer
- FileInput
- GlobalSettingsRenderer
- RawHtmlInput
- TextInput
- Basic text input. No customized behaviour compared to base class.
- SaveFailedException
- Throw this exception from an input save-function when you want to show an alert.
- jsonRPCClient
- The object of this class are generic jsonRPC 1.0 clients
- jsonRPCServer
- This class build a json-RPC Server 1.0
- LSjsonRPCServer
- This class build a json-RPC Server 1.0
- LSZend_XmlRpc_Response_Http
- Menu
- MenuButton
- MenuItem
- MersenneTwister
- Custom random algorithm to get consistent behaviour between PHP versions.
- ObjectPatchException
- OpStandard
- OpHandlerActiveRecordUpdate
- OpHandlerException
- OpType
- OpTypeCreate
- OpTypeDelete
- OpTypeUpdate
- Patcher
- AuthPluginBase
- EmailPluginBase
- LimesurveyApi
- Class exposing a Limesurvey API to plugins.
- PluginEvent
- PluginEventContent
- PluginManager
- Factory for limesurvey plugin objects.
- PluginManagerShutdownFunction
- Used as shutdown function during plugin loading, to turn off plugins that causes troubles.
- SmtpOAuthPluginBase
- DbStorage
- DummyStorage
- Save
- SimpleTester
- SimpleTester 1.1 CodeIgniter-library for the SimpleTest unit test library,
- ShowPasses
- Display passes
- SmallReporter
- Displays a tiny div in upper right corner when ok
- MinimalReporter
- Minimal only displays on error
- AppErrorHandler
- Application error handling logic
- Answer
- Class Answer
- AnswerL10n
- Class SurveyLanguageSetting
- ArchivedTableSettings
- This is the model class for table "{{archived_table_settings}}".
- Assessment
- Class Assessment
- AssetVersion
- Class AssetVersion
- PluginEventBehavior
- Box
- This is the model class for table "{{boxes}}".
- Condition
- Class Condition
- DefaultValue
- Class DefaultValue
- DefaultValueL10n
- Class DefaultValue
- Dynamic
- This class implements the basis for dynamic models.
- ExpressionError
- Class ExpressionError
- ExtensionConfig
- Thin wrapper class around extension config.xml file.
- ExtensionUpdateInfo
- Thin wrapper around extension update info.
- FailedEmail
- This is the model class for table "{{failed_emails}}".
- FailedLoginAttempt
- Class FailedLoginAttempt
- InstallerConfigForm
- Class InstallerConfigForm
- Label
- Class Label
- LabelL10n
- Class Label
- LabelSet
- Class LabelSet
- LSActiveRecord
- MapTutorialUsers
- This is the model class for table "{{map_tutorial_users}}".
- Notification
- This is the model class for table "{{notifications}}".
- Participant
- This is the model class for table "{{participants}}".
- ParticipantAttribute
- Class ParticipantAttribute
- ParticipantAttributeName
- This is the model class for table "{{{{participant_attribute_names}}}}".
- ParticipantAttributeNameLang
- This is the model class for table "{{{{participant_attribute_names_lang}}}}".
- ParticipantShare
- This is the model class for table "{{participant_shares}}".
- Permission
- Class Permission
- Permissiontemplates
- This is the model class for table "{{permissiontemplates}}".
- Plugin
- This is the model class for table "{{plugins}}".
- PluginDynamic
- Dynamic model used by plugins to access their table(s).
- PluginSetting
- Class PluginSetting
- Question
- Class Question
- QuestionAttribute
- Class QuestionAttribute
- QuestionBaseDataSet
- This is a base class to enable all question tpyes to extend the general settings.
- QuestionBaseRenderer
- abstract Class QuestionTypeRoot The aFieldArray Array contains the following 0 => string qid 1 => string sgqa 2 => string questioncode 3 => string question 4 => string type 5 => string gid 6 => string mandatory, 7 => string conditionsexist, 8 => string usedinconditions 0 => string used in group.php for question count 10 => string new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
- QuestionCreate
- Class used when creating new question.
- QuestionGroup
- Class QuestionGroup
- QuestionGroupL10n
- Class SurveyLanguageSetting
- QuestionL10n
- Class QuestionL10n
- QuestionTemplate
- QuestionTheme
- This is the model class for table "{{question_themes}}".
- QuestionType
- Class QuestionType
- Quota
- Class Quota
- QuotaLanguageSetting
- QuotaMember
- Class QuotaMember
- Response
- Relations
- SavedControl
- Class SavedControl
- CoreQuestionAttributeProvider
- Provides question attribute definitions from question types
- BadRequestException
- NotFoundException
- PermissionDeniedException
- PersistErrorException
- QuestionHasConditionsException
- Exception
- FilterImportedResources
- GroupHelper
- ParticipantBlacklistHandler
- PasswordManagement
- This class contains all functions for the process of password reset and creating new administration users and sending email to those with a link to set the password.
- PermissionManager
- Service class for managing permission
- PluginQuestionAttributeProvider
- Provides question attribute definitions from plugins
- ProxyExpressionManager
- Proxy Expression Manager Service
- ProxyQuestion
- ProxyQuestion Service
- ProxyQuestionGroup
- Proxy Expression Manager Service
- ProxySettingsUser
- ProxySettingsUser Service
- AnswersService
- Question Aggregate Service
- AttributesService
- Question Aggregate Attributes Service
- DeleteService
- Question Aggregate Delete Service
- L10nService
- Question Aggregate L10n
- QuestionService
- Question Aggregate Service
- SaveService
- Question Aggregate Save Service
- SubQuestionsService
- Question Aggregate Service
- QuestionAggregateService
- Question Aggregate Service
- QuestionAttributeFetcher
- Fetches question attribute definitions from the available providers
- QuestionAttributeHelper
- QuestionAttributeProvider
- Base class for question attribute definition providers
- QuestionGroupService
- QuickTranslation
- This class is responsible for quick translation and all DB actions needed.
- Quotas
- GeneralSettings
- Service GeneralSettings
- LanguageConsistency
- Survey Updater Service language consistency
- LanguageSettings
- Survey Updater Service LanguageSettings
- TemplateConfiguration
- Survey Updater Service template configuration
- UrlParams
- Survey Updater Service UrlParams
- SurveyAggregateService
- Survey Aggregate Service
- SurveyIntegrity
- Service class to fix integrity on a single survey
- SurveyPermissions
- This class is responsible for the relationship between permissions, users and surveys.
- SurveysGroupCreator
- Service class for survey group creation.
- ThemeQuestionAttributeProvider
- Provides question attribute definitions from question themes
- UploadValidator
- UserManager
- Service class for managing users and their permissions
- Session
- Class Session Extend CActiveRecord and not LSActiveRecord to disable plugin event (session can be used a lot)
- SettingGlobal
- Class SettingGlobal
- SettingsUser
- This is the model class for table "{{settings_user}}".
- Survey
- Class Survey
- SurveyActivator
- Service class to activate survey.
- SurveyDynamic
- SurveyLanguageSetting
- Class SurveyLanguageSetting
- SurveyLight
- Class SurveyLight
- SurveyLink
- Class SurveyLink
- Surveymenu
- This is the model class for table "{{surveymenu}}".
- SurveymenuEntries
- This is the model class for table "{{surveymenu_entries}}".
- SurveymenuEntryData
- SurveysGroups
- This is the model class for table "{{surveys_groups}}".
- SurveysGroupsettings
- This is the model class for table "{{surveys_groupsettings}}".
- SurveysInGroup
- Class SurveysGroups
- SurveyTimingDynamic
- Class SurveyTimingDynamic
- SurveyURLParameter
- Class SurveyURLParameter
- Template
- Class Template
- TemplateConfig
- Class TemplateConfig Common methods for TemplateConfiguration and TemplateManifest
- Timing
- Dynamic response timing model.
- Token
- Class Token
- TokenDynamic
- Class TokenDynamic
- Tutorial
- This is the model class for table "{{tutorials}}".
- TutorialEntry
- This is the model class for table "{{tutorial_entry}}".
- TutorialEntryRelation
- This is the model class for table "{{tutorial_entry_groups}}".
- UniqueNotification
- Subclass of Notification, but with unique constraint.
- User
- Class User
- UserGroup
- Class UserGroup
- UserInGroup
- Class UserInGroup
- UserInPermissionrole
- This is the model class for table "{{user_in_permissionrole}}".
- UserParser
- Importing class to get users from a CSV file
- CTestCase
- ExpressionManagerTest
- TODO: Why is it here? Move it to root tests folder!
- WebTestCase
- The base class for functional test cases.
- GlobalSettings
- GlobalSettings Controller
- HelloWorld
- Survey Common Action
- HelloWorldController
- HelloWorldModule
- HelloWorldModule class file.
- demoAddEmFunction
- Example plugin that add a simple function
- exampleFunctions
- DemoDateSetting
- DemoDateSetting Plugin for LimeSurvey
- Example
- NB: Deleting this class will break plugin API, since plugins then would have to extend PluginBase in the namespace instead of this class. This is especially a problem for plugins that should work on both 2.73 and 3.x, so please don't delete this class.
- noMailToExample
- noMailToExample : just don't send email to or is a great tool for demonstration and test, but sending an email to you receive 4 hour after a notification This plugin just disable sending email to this website, then you can use it when testing syste.
- ShowResponse
- NB: Deleting this class will break plugin API, since plugins then would have to extend PluginBase in the namespace instead of this class. This is especially a problem for plugins that should work on both 2.73 and 3.x, so please don't delete this class.
- UnActivatable
- Example plugin that can not be activated.
- HelloWorld_Twig_Extension
- This is an example to show you how to add custom twig extensions To add an advanced function to twig:
- LSApplicationTrait
- Trait for ConsoleApplication and LSYii_Application
- AppTrait
- QuestionGroupModelCollectionWithL10nsBySidTrait
- QuestionGroupModelTrait
- QuestionGroupModelWithL10nsByIdTrait
- QuestionModelTrait
- QuestionModelWithL10nsByIdAndLanguageTrait
- SurveyModelTrait
- AuthPermissionTrait
- OpHandlerExceptionTrait
- OpHandlerQuestionTrait
- OpHandlerSurveyTrait
- OpHandlerValidationTrait
- ValidateTrait
- Question Aggregate Validate Trait
- PermissionTrait
- ADOdb Date Library, part of the ADOdb abstraction library Download:
- APPPATH = \Yii::app()->getBasePath() . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
- APPPATH = \BASEPATH . $application_folder . '/'
- BASEPATH = \dirname(__FILE__) . '/..'
- BASEPATH = '.'
- BASEPATH = '.'
- BASEPATH = \true
- BASEPATH = \str_replace("\\", "/", $system_path)
- CHECKED = ' checked="checked"'
- EXT = '.php'
- EXT = '.php'
- FCPATH = \str_replace(\SELF, '', __FILE__)
- FLOAT = 32
- HTML = 8
- INT = 16
- K_PATH_IMAGES = Template::getTemplatePath($aSurveyInfo['template']) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
- LDAP = 64
- LOGO_ICON_URL = App()->getConfig('styleurl') . '/Sea_Green/images/logo_icon.png'
- LOGO_URL = App()->getConfig('styleurl') . '/Sea_Green/images/logo.svg'
- N1 = 3
- N2 = 3
- N3 = 40
- N4 = 10
- PCLZIP_TEMPORARY_DIR = \Yii::app()->getConfig('tempdir') . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
- PRESENTATION = gT('This is the LimeSurvey admin interface. Start to build your survey from here.')
- PRINT_TEMPLATE_DIR = $sFullTemplatePath
- PRINT_TEMPLATE_URL = $sFullTemplateUrl
- QR_CACHE_DIR = \false
- QR_CACHEABLE = \false
- QR_IMAGE = \true
- QR_LOG_DIR = \false
- QR_MODE_8 = 2
- QR_MODE_AN = 1
- QR_MODE_NUL = -1
- QR_VECT = \true
- QRCAP_EC = 3
- QUESTION_START = file_get_contents(getTemplatePath($thissurvey['template']) . '/question_start.pstpl')
- ROOT = \dirname(__FILE__)
- SELECTED = ' selected="selected"'
- SELF = \pathinfo(__FILE__, \PATHINFO_BASENAME)
- SYSDIR = \trim(\strrchr(\trim(\BASEPATH, '/'), '/'), '/')
- SYSTEM = 4
- TEST_BASE_URL = 'http://localhost/testdrive/index-test.php/'
- Change the following URL based on your server configuration Make sure the URL ends with a slash so that we can use relative URLs in test cases
- UTF8 = 128
- YII_DEBUG = \false
- SureRemoveDir() : mixed
- SureRemoveDir() : mixed
- subval_sort() : array<string|int, mixed>
- pluginExtractFilter() : int
- PCLZip callback for plugin ZIP install.
- outputDatabase() : mixed
- Outputs a full dump of the current LimeSurvey database
- _outputDBDescription() : mixed
- _outputDBData() : mixed
- _outputTableDescription() : mixed
- Outputs the table structure in sql format
- _outputTableData() : mixed
- Outputs the table data in sql format
- _outputRecords() : mixed
- _countNumberOfEntries() : mixed
- _getMaxNbRecords() : mixed
- _getDbName() : mixed
- Get the database name
- initKcfinder() : mixed
- sTranslateLangCode2CK() : mixed
- PrepareEditorScript() : mixed
- getEditor() : string
- Returns Editor.
- getPopupEditor() : string
- getModalEditor() : string
- getInlineEditor() : mixed
- getLoaderHTML() : mixed
- XMLImportGroup() : mixed
- This function imports a LimeSurvey .lsg question group XML file
- XMLImportQuestion() : array<string|int, mixed>
- This function imports a LimeSurvey .lsq question XML file
- XMLImportLabelsets() : array<string|int, mixed>
- XMLImportLabelsets() Function resp[onsible to import a labelset from XML format.
- importSurveyFile() : mixed
- XMLImportSurvey() : mixed
- This function imports a LimeSurvey .lss survey XML file
- checkWrongQuestionAttributes() : mixed
- This function checks if there are set wrong values ('Y' or 'N') into table question_attributes. These are set to 1 and 0 if needed.
- XMLImportTokens() : mixed
- XMLImportResponses() : mixed
- CSVImportResponses() : mixed
- This function imports a CSV file into the response table CSV file is deleted during process
- XMLImportTimings() : mixed
- TSVImportSurvey() : string
- Import survey from an TSV file template that does not require assigning of GID or QID values.
- createXMLfromData() : mixed
- importDefaultValues() : void
- Import default values inside $xml, record process in $results Also imports defaultvalue_l10ns.
- fileCsvToUtf8() : resource
- Read a csv file and return a tmp resources to same file in utf8 CSV file is deleted during process
- updateset() : mixed
- insertlabelset() : LabelSet
- modlabelsetanswers() : mixed
- fixorder() : mixed
- Function rewrites the sortorder for a label set
- permissionsAsArray() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Checks Permission for the current user and returns an array with Permissions
- createChart() : mixed
- Generate a chart for a question
- getQuestionMapData() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Return data to populate a Google Map
- buildSelects() : mixed
- Builds the list of addon SQL select statements that builds the query result set
- square() : mixed
- Simple function to square a value
- getEncryptedCondition() : mixed
- getSurveyDefaultSettings() : mixed
- doreplacement() : mixed
- getListOfFiles() : mixed
- mkdir_p() : mixed
- themeoptions() : mixed
- multiarray_search() : mixed
- recursive_in_array() : mixed
- is_template_editable() : mixed
- This function checks if a certain template may be by modified, copied, deleted according to the settings in config.php
- templateExtractFilter() : int
- This is a PCLZip callback function that ensures only files are extracted that have a valid extension
- emailTokens() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Sends email to tokens - invitations, reminders, registers, and confirmations Seems used only in remote_control : maybe move it to ?
- adodb_date_test_date() : mixed
- adodb_date_test_strftime() : mixed
- adodb_date_test() : mixed
- Test Suite
- adodb_dow() : mixed
- Returns day of week, 0 = Sunday,... 6=Saturday.
- _adodb_is_leap_year() : mixed
- Checks for leap year, returns true if it is. No 2-digit year check. Also handles julian calendar correctly.
- adodb_is_leap_year() : mixed
- checks for leap year, returns true if it is. Has 2-digit year check
- adodb_year_digit_check() : mixed
- Fix 2-digit years. Works for any century.
- adodb_get_gmt_diff_ts() : mixed
- adodb_get_gmt_diff() : mixed
- get local time zone offset from GMT. Does not handle historical timezones before 1970.
- adodb_getdate() : mixed
- Returns an array with date info.
- adodb_validdate() : mixed
- _adodb_getdate() : mixed
- Low-level function that returns the getdate() array. We have a special $fast flag, which if set to true, will return fewer array values, and is much faster as it does not calculate dow, etc.
- adodb_tz_offset() : mixed
- adodb_gmdate() : mixed
- adodb_date2() : mixed
- adodb_date() : string
- Return formatted date based on timestamp $d
- adodb_gmmktime() : mixed
- Returns a timestamp given a GMT/UTC time.
- adodb_mktime() : mixed
- Return a timestamp given a local time. Originally by jackbbs.
- adodb_gmstrftime() : mixed
- adodb_strftime() : mixed
- gT() : string
- Returns $sToTranslate translated to $sLanguage (defaults to lang set in session) escaped with $sEscapeMode
- eT() : void
- As gT(), but echoes directly
- ngT() : string
- Translation helper function for plural forms
- neT() : mixed
- Translation helper function for plural forms which outputs right away
- quoteText() : mixed|string
- Quotes a translation according to purpose if sEscapeMode is null, we use HTML method because probably we had to specify null as sEscapeMode upstream
- getSurveyList() : string|array<string|int, mixed>
- getSurveyList() Queries the database (survey table) for a list of existing surveys
- getGidPrevious() : int|string
- getGidPrevious() returns the Gid of the group prior to the current active group
- getGidNext() : int|string
- getGidNext() returns the Gid of the group next to the current active group
- convertGETtoPOST() : string
- convertGETtoPOST a function to create a post Request from get parameters !!! This functions result has to be wrappen in singlequotes!
- calculateTotalFileUploadUsage() : mixed
- This function calculates how much space is actually used by all files uploaded using the File Upload question type
- getDirectorySize() : int
- getMaxGroupOrder() : int
- Queries the database for the maximum sortorder of a group and returns the next higher one.
- getGroupOrder() : int
- Queries the database for the sortorder of a group.
- getMaxQuestionOrder() : int
- Queries the database for the maximum sort order of questions inside question group.
- setupColumns() : array<string|int, mixed>
- setupColumns() defines all the html tags to be wrapped around various list type answers.
- alternation() : mixed
- longestString() : int
- longestString() returns the length of the longest string past to it.
- getGroupList3() : mixed
- getGroupListLang() : string
- put your comment there.
- getUserList() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns a user list. If 'usercontrolSameGroupPolicy' is set and set to true, only users which are in the same group as me (--> logged in user) will be returned. Superadmin always gets the full list of users.
- getSurveyInfo() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
- Gets all survey infos in one big array including the language specific settings
- templateDefaultTexts() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns the default email template texts as array
- groupOrderThenQuestionOrder() : int
- Compares two elements from an array (passed by the usort function) and returns -1, 0 or 1 depending on the result of the comparison of the sort order of the group_order and question_order field Used by : - remotecontrol_handle->export_statistics with merging group and question attributes (all in same array) - checkQuestions() in activate_helper function with ?
- fixMovedQuestionConditions() : mixed
- returnGlobal() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|mixed|int|null
- This function returns POST/REQUEST vars, for some vars like SID and others they are also sanitized TODO: extends Yii:getParam
- sendCacheHeaders() : mixed
- getExtendedAnswer() : string
- validateEmailAddress() : mixed
- Validate an email address - also supports IDN email addresses
- validateEmailAddresses() : string
- Validate an list of email addresses - either as array or as semicolon-limited text
- createCompleteSGQA() : array<string|int, mixed>
- This functions generates a a summary containing the SGQA for questions of a survey, enriched with options per question It can be used for the generation of statistics. Derived from StatisticsUserController
- createFieldMap() : array<string|int, mixed>
- This function generates an array containing the fieldcode, and matching data in the same order as the activate script
- hasFileUploadQuestion() : bool
- Returns true if the given survey has a File Upload Question Type
- createTimingsFieldMap() : array<string|int, mixed>
- This function generates an array containing the fieldcode, and matching data in the same order as the activate script
- arraySearchByKey() : array<string|int, mixed>
- buildLabelSetCheckSumArray() : mixed
- getQuestionAttributeValue() : string
- Returns the questionAttribtue value set or '' if not set
- questionTitleSort() : mixed
- HTMLEscape() : mixed
- make a string safe to include in an HTML 'value' attribute.
- stripCtrlChars() : string
- This function strips UTF-8 control characters from strings, except tabs, CR and LF - it is intended to be used before any response data is saved to the response table
- javascriptEscape() : mixed
- jsonEscape() : mixed
- SendEmailMessage() : bool
- This function mails a text $body to the recipient $to.
- flattenText() : string
- This functions removes all HTML tags, Javascript, CRs, linefeeds and other strange chars from a given text
- getArrayFilterExcludesCascadesForGroup() : array<string|int, mixed>
- getArrayFilterExcludesCascadesForGroup() queries the database and produces a list of array_filter_exclude questions and targets with in the same group
- createPassword() : mixed
- languageDropdown() : mixed
- languageDropdownClean() : string
- Creates a <select> HTML element for language selection for this survey
- rmdirr() : bool
- This function removes a directory recursively
- CSVUnquote() : mixed
- This function removes surrounding and masking quotes from the CSV field
- incompleteAnsFilterState() : string|bool
- This function return actual completion state
- isCaptchaEnabled() : bool|null
- isCaptchaEnabled($screen, $usecaptchamode)
- tableExists() : bool
- Check if a table does exist in the database
- isTokenCompletedDatestamped() : mixed
- dateShift() : string
- example usage $date = "2006-12-31 21:00"; $shift "+6 hours"; // could be days, weeks... see function strtotime() for usage
- getBounceEmail() : mixed
- getEmailFormat() : mixed
- hasTemplateManageRights() : mixed
- translateLinks() : string
- Translate links which are in any answer/question/survey/email template/label set to their new counterpart
- checkOldLinks() : bool
- Returns true if there are old links in answer/question/survey/email template/label set texts.
- reverseTranslateFieldNames() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
- This function creates the old fieldnames for survey import
- hasResources() : bool
- put your comment there.
- randomChars() : string
- Creates a random sequence of characters
- conditionalNewlineToBreak() : mixed
- used to translate simple text to html (replacing \n with <br />
- breakToNewline() : mixed
- safeDie() : void
- Provides a safe way to end the application
- fixCKeditorText() : mixed
- filterForAttributes() : bool
- This is a helper function for getAttributeFieldNames
- getAttributeFieldNames() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Retrieves the attribute field names from the related survey participants table
- getParticipantAttributes() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns the full list of attribute token fields including the properties for each field Use this instead of plain Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->tokenAttributes calls because Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->tokenAttributes may contain old descriptions where the fields does not physically exist
- getTokenFieldsAndNames() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Retrieves the attribute names from the related survey participants table
- stripJavaScript() : string
- This function strips any content between and including <javascript> tags
- showJavaScript() : string
- This function converts emebedded Javascript to Text
- cleanTempDirectory() : mixed
- This function cleans files from the temporary directory being older than 1 day
- useFirebug() : mixed
- convertDateTimeFormat() : string
- This is a convenience function for the coversion of datetime values
- convertToGlobalSettingFormat() : string
- This is a convenience function to convert any date, in any date format, to the global setting date format Check if the time shoul be rendered also
- removeBOM() : string
- This function removes the UTF-8 Byte Order Mark from a string
- getTemplatePath() : string
- This function returns the complete directory path to a given template name
- getTemplateURL() : string
- This function returns the complete URL path to a given template name
- getSubQuestions() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Return an array of subquestions for a given sid/qid
- getXMLWriter() : mixed
- Wrapper function to retrieve an xmlwriter object and do error handling if it is not compiled into PHP
- SSLRedirect() : mixed
- SSLRedirect() generates a redirect URL for the appropriate SSL mode then applies it.
- enforceSSLMode() : mixed
- enforceSSLMode() $force_ssl is on or off, it checks if the current request is to HTTPS (or not). If $force_ssl is on, and the request is not to HTTPS, it redirects the request to the HTTPS version of the URL, if the request is to HTTPS, it rewrites all the URL variables so they also point to HTTPS.
- getFullResponseTable() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Creates an array with details on a particular response for display purposes Used in Print answers, Detailed response view and Detailed admin notification email
- isNumericInt() : bool|int
- Check if $str is an integer, or string representation of an integer
- short_implode() : string
- Implode and sort content array for very long arrays
- includeKeypad() : mixed
- Include Keypad headers
- translateInsertansTags() : mixed
- This function replaces the old insertans tags with new ones across a survey
- replaceExpressionCodes() : mixed
- Replaces EM variable codes in a current survey with a new one
- cleanLanguagesFromSurvey() : void
- cleanLanguagesFromSurvey() removes any languages from survey tables that are not in the passed list
- fixLanguageConsistency() : bool
- fixLanguageConsistency() fixes missing groups, questions, answers, quotas & assessments for languages on a survey
- getLastInsertID() : string
- Retrieves the last Insert ID realiable for cross-DB applications
- getGroupDepsForConditions() : array<string|int, mixed>
- getGroupDepsForConditions() get Dependencies between groups caused by conditions
- getQuestDepsForConditions() : array<string|int, mixed>
- getQuestDepsForConditions() get Dependencies between groups caused by conditions
- dbQuoteAll() : string
- Escapes a text value for db
- checkMoveQuestionConstraintsForConditions() : array<string|int, mixed>
- checkMoveQuestionConstraintsForConditions()
- shouldFilterUserGroupList() : mixed
- Determines whether the list of user groups will need filtering before viewing.
- getUserGroupList() : mixed
- Get a list of all user groups All user group or filtered according to usercontrolSameGroupPolicy
- modifyDatabase() : bool
- Run an arbitrary sequence of semicolon-delimited SQL commands
- getLabelSets() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns labelsets for given language(s), or for all if null
- getHeader() : string
- get the header
- doHeader() : mixed
- getPrintableHeader() : string
- This function returns the header for the printable survey
- getFooter() : string
- This function returns the Footer as result string If you want to echo the Footer use doFooter()!
- doFooter() : mixed
- fixSubquestions() : mixed
- This function fixes the group ID and type on all subquestions, or removes the subquestions if the parent question's type doesn't allow them.
- ls_json_encode() : mixed
- Must use ls_json_encode to json_encode content, otherwise LimeExpressionManager will think that the associative arrays are expressions and try to parse them.
- json_decode_ls() : mixed
- Decode a json string, sometimes needs stripslashes
- aEncodingsArray() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Return accepted codingsArray for importing files
- ellipsize() : string
- Ellipsize String
- getIPAddress() : string
- This function tries to returns the 'real' IP address under all configurations Do not rely security-wise on the detected IP address as except for REMOTE_ADDR all fields could be manipulated by the web client
- getRealIPAddress() : string
- This function returns the real IP address and should mainly be used for security sensitive purposes If you want to use the IP address for language detection or similar, use getIPAddress() instead
- getBrowserLanguage() : mixed
- This function tries to find out a valid language code for the language of the browser used If it cannot find it it will return the default language from global settings
- array_diff_assoc_recursive() : mixed
- folderSize() : int
- Calculate folder size NB: If this function is changed, please notify LimeSurvey GmbH.
- humanFilesize() : string
- Format size in human readable format.
- convertPHPSizeToBytes() : int
- This function transforms the php.ini notation for numbers (like '2M') to an integer (2*1024*1024 in this case)
- getMaximumFileUploadSize() : mixed
- decodeTokenAttributes() : array<string|int, mixed>|mixed
- Decodes token attribute data because due to bugs in the past it can be written in JSON or be serialized - future format should be JSON as serialized data can be exploited
- getSerialClass() : string|null
- regenerateCSRFToken() : mixed
- Force Yii to create a new CSRF token by removing the old one
- get_absolute_path() : string
- A function to remove ../ or ./ from paths to prevent directory traversal
- isJson() : bool
- Check if string is JSON array
- isAssociativeArray() : bool
- Check if array is associative
- createRandomTempDir() : string
- Create a directory in tmp dir using a random string
- getRandomString() : string
- Generate a random string, using openssl if available, else using md5
- crypto_rand_secure() : string
- Get a random number between two values using openssl_random_pseudo_bytes
- isZipBomb() : int
- Test if a given zip file is Zip Bomb see comment here :
- get_zip_originalsize() : int
- Get the original size of a zip archive to prevent Zip Bombing see comment here :
- safecount() : int
- PHP7 has created a little nasty bomb with count throwing erroros on uncountables This is to "fix" this problem
- switchMSSQLIdentityInsert() : void
- This function switches identity insert on/off for the MSSQL database
- resourceExtractFilter() : mixed
- Helper to filter the contents of a .zip file uploaded into the file manager
- recursive_preg_replace() : string|array<string|int, mixed>
- Applies preg_replace recursively until $recursion_limit is exceeded or no more replacements are done.
- standardDeviation() : float
- Returns the standard deviation of supplied $numbers
- isAbsolutePath() : bool
- Checks if the specified path is absolute.
- csvEscape() : string
- Escapes a string for use in a CSV file
- dbExecuteAssoc() : bool|CDbDataReader
- dbRandom() : string
- Return the database-specific random function to use in ORDER BY sql statements
- dbSelectTablesLike() : string
- Return a sql statement for finding LIKE named tables Be aware that you have to escape underscore chars by using a backslash otherwise you might get table names returned you don't want
- dbGetTablesLike() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Gets the table names. Do not prefix.
- stripTagsFull() : string
- Strips html tags and replaces new lines
- isNumericExtended() : bool
- Returns true if passed $value is numeric
- strSplitUnicode() : string
- Returns splitted unicode string correctly source:
- quoteSPSS() : mixed
- Quotes a string with surrounding quotes and masking inside quotes by doubling them
- SPSSExportData() : mixed
- Exports CSV response data for SPSS and R
- SPSSGetValues() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
- Check it the gives field has a labelset and return it as an array if true
- SPSSFieldMap() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Creates a fieldmap with all information necessary to output the fields
- SPSSGetQuery() : CDbCommand
- Creates a query string with all fields for the export
- buildXMLFromQuery() : mixed
- buildXMLFromQuery() creates a datadump of a table in XML using XMLWriter
- surveyGetXMLStructure() : mixed
- from export_structure_xml.php
- surveyGetXMLData() : mixed
- from export_structure_xml.php
- getXMLDataSingleTable() : string|bool
- Exports a single table to XML
- QueXMLCleanup() : string
- from export_structure_quexml.php
- QueXMLCreateFree() : mixed
- from export_structure_quexml.php
- QueXMLFixedArray() : mixed
- from export_structure_quexml.php
- QueXMLSkipTo() : bool|string
- Calculate if this item should have a QueXMLSkipTo element attached to it
- QueXMLCreateFixed() : mixed
- from export_structure_quexml.php
- quexml_get_lengthth() : mixed
- from export_structure_quexml.php
- quexml_create_multi() : mixed
- from export_structure_quexml.php
- quexml_create_subQuestions() : mixed
- from export_structure_quexml.php
- quexml_set_default_value_rank() : mixed
- Set defaultValue attribute of provided element from response table
- quexml_set_default_value() : mixed
- Set defaultValue attribute of provided element from response table
- quexml_reformat_date() : void
- Format defaultValue of Date/Time questions according to question date format
- quexml_create_question() : mixed
- Create a queXML question element
- quexml_export() : mixed
- Export quexml survey.
- group_export() : mixed
- groupGetXMLStructure() : mixed
- questionExport() : mixed
- questionGetXMLStructure() : mixed
- tokensExport() : mixed
- CPDBExport() : mixed
- stringSize() : int
- Find the string size according DB size for existing question Column name must be SGQA currently
- numericSize() : string
- Find the numeric size according DB size for existing question for SPSS export Column name must be SGQA currently
- tsvSurveyExport() : string
- Export survey to TSV format It is using existing XML function to get the same source data as lss format
- sortArrayByColumn() : mixed
- Sort array by column name
- writeXmlFromArray() : mixed
- Write XML from Associative Array, recursive function
- surveyGetThemeConfiguration() : mixed
- Write XML structure for themes
- MaskFormula() : mixed
- buildXMLFromArray() : mixed
- buildXMLFromArray() dumps an array to XML using XMLWriter, in the same format as buildXMLFromQuery()
- cmpErrorTokens() : int
- Used by usort() to order Error tokens by their position within the string This must be outside of the class in order to work in PHP 5.2
- cmpWarningTokens() : int
- exprmgr_count() : int
- Count the number of answered questions (non-empty)
- exprmgr_countif() : int
- Count the number of answered questions (non-empty) which match the first argument
- exprmgr_countifop() : int
- Count the number of answered questions (non-empty) which meet the criteria (arg op value)
- exprmgr_stripos() : int|false
- Find position of first occurrence of unicode string in a unicode string, case insensitive
- exprmgr_stristr() : string|false
- Finds first occurrence of a unicode string within another, case-insensitive
- exprmgr_strlen() : int
- Get unicode string length
- exprmgr_strpos() : int|false
- Find position of first occurrence of unicode string in a unicode string
- exprmgr_strstr() : string|false
- Finds first occurrence of a unicode string within another
- exprmgr_strtolower() : string
- Make an unicode string lowercase
- exprmgr_strtoupper() : string
- Make an unicode string uppercase
- exprmgr_substr() : string
- Get part of unicode string
- exprmgr_sumifop() : int
- Sum of values of answered questions which meet the criteria (arg op value)
- exprmgr_checkdate() : bool
- Validate a Gregorian date
- exprmgr_convert_value() : int|null
- Find the closest matching Numerical input values in a list an replace it by the corresponding value within another list
- exprmgr_date() : string|false
- Return format a local time/date Need to test if timestamp is numeric (else E_WARNING with debug>0)
- exprmgr_abs() : mixed
- exprmgr_if() : mixed
- If $test is true, return $iftrue, else return $iffalse
- exprmgr_int() : int
- Return true if the variable is an integer for LimeSurvey Allow usage of numeric answercode as int Can not use is_int due to SQL DECIMAL system.
- exprmgr_list() : string
- Join together $args[0-N] with ', '
- exprmgr_listifop() : string
- Implementation of listifop( $cmpAttr, $op, $value, $retAttr, $glue, $sgqa1, ..., sgqaN ) Return a list of retAttr from sgqa1...sgqaN which pass the critiera (cmpAttr op value)
- exprmgr_log() : float
- return log($arg[0],$arg[1]=e)
- exprmgr_mktime() : int|bool
- Get Unix timestamp for a date : false if parameters is invalid.
- exprmgr_join() : string
- Join together $args[N]
- exprmgr_implode() : string
- Join together $args[1-N] with $arg[0]
- exprmgr_empty() : bool
- Return true if the variable is NULL or blank.
- exprmgr_stddev() : float
- Compute the Sample Standard Deviation of a set of numbers ($args[0-N])
- expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars() : string
- Javascript equivalent does not cope well with ENT_QUOTES and related PHP constants, so set default to ENT_QUOTES
- expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars_decode() : string
- Javascript equivalent does not cope well with ENT_QUOTES and related PHP constants, so set default to ENT_QUOTES
- exprmgr_regexMatch() : bool
- Return true if $input matches the regular expression $pattern
- geterrors_exprmgr_regexMatch() : string|null
- Return error information from pattern of regular expression $pattern
- exprmgr_fixnum() : string
- Display number with comma as radix separator, if needed
- exprmgr_unique() : bool
- Returns true if all non-empty values are unique
- cmpQuestionSeq() : int
- Used by usort() to order $this->questionSeq2relevance in proper order
- loadanswers() : mixed
- getLanguageChangerDatas() : array<string|int, mixed>|false
- This function creates the language selector for a particular survey
- getLanguageChangerDatasPublicList() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
- This function creates the language selector for the public survey index page
- makeFlashMessage() : string
- Construct flash message container Used in templatereplace to replace {FLASHMESSAGE} in startpage.tstpl
- checkUploadedFileValidity() : mixed
- checkUploadedFileValidity used in SurveyRuntimeHelper
- addtoarray_single() : mixed
- Takes two single element arrays and adds second to end of first if value exists Why not use array_merge($array1,array_filter($array2);
- submittokens() : mixed
- Marks a tokens as completed and sends a confirmation email to the participiant.
- sendSubmitNotifications() : mixed
- Send a submit notification to the email address specified in the notifications tab in the survey settings
- getResponseTableReplacement() : string
- create ANSWERTABLE replacement field content
- saveFailedEmail() : bool
- Saves a failed email whenever processing and sensing an email fails or overwrites a found entry with updated values
- failedEmailSuccess() : mixed
- submitfailed() : string
- submitfailed : used in em_manager_helper.php
- buildsurveysession() : void
- This function builds all the required session variables when a survey is first started and it loads any answer defaults from command line or from the table defaultvalues It is called from the related format script (group.php, question.php, survey.php) if the survey has just started.
- checkPassthruLabel() : void
- Check if a passthru label and value have been included in the query url
- prefillFromCommandLine() : void
- Prefill startvalues from command line param
- initFieldArray() : void
- randomizationGroupsAndQuestions() : void
- Apply randomizationGroup and randomizationQuestion to session fieldmap
- randomizationGroup() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Randomization group for groups
- randomizationQuestion() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Randomization group for questions
- finalizeRandomization() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Stuff?
- testIfTokenIsValid() : array<string|int, string>
- Test if token is valid
- getRenderWay() : string
- Returns which way should be rendered
- renderRenderWayForm() : void
- Render token, captcha or register form
- resetAllSessionVariables() : void
- Resets all session variables for this survey
- setTotalSteps() : void
- The number of "pages" that will be presented in this survey The number of pages to be presented will differ depending on the survey format Set totalsteps in session
- breakOutAndCrash() : void
- renderError() : mixed
- getNavigatorDatas() : mixed
- TODO: call this function from surveyRuntimeHelper TODO: remove surveymover()
- doAssessment() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Caculate assessement scores
- UpdateGroupList() : mixed
- Update SESSION VARIABLE: grouplist A list of groups in this survey, ordered by group name.
- updateFieldArray() : mixed
- FieldArray contains all necessary information regarding the questions This function is needed to update it in case the survey is switched to another language
- checkCompletedQuota() : array<string|int, mixed>|void
- checkCompletedQuota() returns matched quotas information for the current response
- encodeEmail() : mixed|string
- encodeEmail : encode admin email in public part
- getReferringUrl() : string
- GetReferringUrl() returns the referring URL
- display_first_page() : mixed
- Shows the welcome page, used in group by group and question by question mode
- killSurveySession() : mixed
- killSurveySession : reset $_SESSION part for the survey
- resetTimers() : mixed
- Resets all question timers by expiring the related cookie - this needs to be called before any output is done
- resetQuestionTimers() : void
- Removes all question timers for this survey from local storage
- SetSurveyLanguage() : mixed
- Set the public survey language Control if language exist in this survey, else set to survey default language if $surveyid <= 0 : set the language to default site language
- getMove() : string
- getMove get move button clicked
- getSideBodyClass() : string
- Get the margin class for side-body div depending on side-menu behaviour config and page (edit or not etc).
- cookieConsentLocalization() : array<string|int, string>
- For later use, don't remove.
- getForwardParameters() : array<string, mixed>
- Returns an array of URL parameters that can be forwarded
- App() : LSYii_Application
- Helper function to replace calls to Yii::app() and enable correct code completion.
- traceVar() : mixed
- If debug = 2 in application/config.php this will produce output in the console / firebug similar to var_dump. It will also include the filename and line that called this method.
- getGlobalSetting() : string
- Returns a global setting
- ldap_getCnx() : mixed
- ldap_bindCnx() : mixed
- ldap_readattr() : mixed
- ldap_search_withScope() : mixed
- ldap_doTokenSearch() : mixed
- prepareLDAPQuery() : mixed
- setNoAnswerMode() : mixed
- setNoAnswerMode
- retrieveAnswers() : array<string|int, mixed>
- This function returns an array containing the "question/answer" html display and a list of the question/answer fieldnames associated. It is called from question.php, group.php, survey.php or preview.php
- mandatory_message() : mixed
- validation_message() : array<string|int, mixed>
- file_validation_message() : mixed
- mandatory_popup() : mixed
- validation_popup() : mixed
- file_validation_popup() : mixed
- return_timer_script() : string
- currentRelevecanceClass() : string
- Return class of a specific row (hidden by relevance)
- return_display_style() : mixed
- return_array_filter_strings() : mixed
- testKeypad() : string
- do_language() : mixed
- do_list_dropdown() : mixed
- do_list_radio() : mixed
- do_listwithcomment() : mixed
- do_ranking() : mixed
- do_multiplechoice() : mixed
- do_multiplechoice_withcomments() : mixed
- do_file_upload() : mixed
- do_multipleshorttext() : mixed
- do_numerical() : mixed
- do_shortfreetext() : mixed
- getLatLongFromIp() : mixed
- do_longfreetext() : mixed
- do_hugefreetext() : mixed
- do_yesno() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Renders Yes/No Question Type.
- do_gender() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Renders Gender Question Types.
- do_array_5point() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Construct answer part array_5point
- do_array_10point() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Construct answer part array_10point
- do_array_yesnouncertain() : mixed
- do_array_increasesamedecrease() : mixed
- do_array() : mixed
- do_array_texts() : mixed
- do_array_multiflexi() : mixed
- do_arraycolumns() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Renders array by column question type.
- do_array_dual() : mixed
- getLabelInputWidth() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Find the label / input width
- fillDate() : string
- Take a date string and fill out missing parts, like day, hour, minutes (not seconds).
- doRender() : mixed
- Render the question view.
- templatereplace() : string
- This function replaces keywords in a text and is mainly intended for templates If you use this functions put your replacement strings into the $replacements variable instead of using global variables NOTE - Don't do any embedded replacements in this function. Create the array of replacement values and they will be done in batch at the end
- getStandardsReplacementFields() : mixed
- ReplaceFields() : mixed
- PassthruReplace() : string
- passthruReplace() takes a string and looks for {PASSTHRU:myarg} variables which it then substitutes for parameter data sent in the initial URL and stored in the session array containing responses
- nice_addslashes() : mixed
- sanitize_filename() : mixed
- Function: sanitize_filename Returns a sanitized string, typically for URLs.
- beautify_filename() : mixed
- sanitize_dirname() : mixed
- Function: sanitize_dirname sanitizes a string that will be used as a directory name
- sanitize_paranoid_string() : mixed
- sanitize_cquestions() : mixed
- sanitize_system_string() : mixed
- sanitize_xss_string() : mixed
- sanitize_sql_db_tablename() : mixed
- sanitize_ldap_string() : mixed
- sanitize_html_string() : mixed
- sanitize_int() : mixed
- sanitize_user() : mixed
- sanitize_userfullname() : mixed
- sanitize_labelname() : mixed
- sanitize_float() : mixed
- sanitize() : mixed
- check_paranoid_string() : mixed
- check_int() : mixed
- check_float() : mixed
- check_html_string() : mixed
- check_system_string() : mixed
- check() : bool
- sanitize_languagecode() : mixed
- sanitize_languagecodeS() : mixed
- sanitize_signedint() : mixed
- check_ip_address() : bool
- Checks the validity of IP address $ip
- check_absolute_url() : bool
- Returns true if the argument is an absolute URL (either starting with schema+domain or just "/").
- sanitize_alphanumeric() : string
- Remove all chars from $value that are not alphanumeric or dash or underscore
- getDateFormatData() : mixed
- Returns all available dateformats in a structured aray If $iDateFormat is given only the particual dateformat will be returned
- getLanguageData() : mixed
- getRadixPointData() : int|array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns avaliable formats for Radix Points (Decimal Separators) or returns radix point info about a specific format.
- getPHPDateFromDateFormat() : mixed
- Convert a 'dateformat' format string to a 'phpdate' format.
- getJSDateFromDateFormat() : mixed
- Convert a 'dateformat' format string to a 'jsdate' format.
- getDateFormatDataForQID() : mixed
- Get the date format details for a specific question.
- getDateFormatForSID() : mixed
- Get the date format for a specified survey
- canShowDatePicker() : mixed
- Check whether we can show the JS date picker with the current format
- getLanguageCodefromLanguage() : int|string
- Returns a language code from the name
- getLanguageNameFromCode() : string|array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns a language name from the code
- getLanguageRTL() : mixed
- getLanguageDetails() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns the locale settings for a certain language code
- convertLStoDateTimePickerLocale() : mixed
- This functions translates LimeSurvey specific locale code to a matching datetimepicker locale
- getLanguageDataRestricted() : mixed
- userSort() : mixed
- userSortNative() : mixed
- UTF8Strrev() : string
- This function support the ability NOT to reverse numbers (for example when you output a phrase as a parameter for a SWF file that can't handle RTL languages itself, but obviously any numbers should remain the same as in the original phrase).
- dummy_twig_translation_helper() : void
- Dummy helper intended to facilitate "twig only" strings to be picked by Translations Bot.
- CheckForDBUpgrades() : mixed
- This functions checks if the databaseversion in the settings table is the same one as required If not then the necessary upgrade procedures are run
- ShowDBUpgradeNotice() : string
- getDBConnectionStringProperty() : mixed
- db_upgrade_all() : mixed
- updateEncryptedValues450() : mixed
- Update previous encrpted values to new encryption
- decryptCPDBTable450() : void
- Update encryption for CPDB participants
- decryptParticipantTables450() : void
- Update encryption for survey participants
- decryptResponseTables450() : void
- Update encryption for survey responses
- decryptArchivedTables450() : void
- Update Encryption for archived tables
- createFieldMap450() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns the fieldmap for responses
- upgradeArchivedTableSettings446() : void
- Import previously archived tables to ArchivedTableSettings
- extendDatafields429() : mixed
- upgradeSurveyTables402() : mixed
- upgradeTokenTables402() : mixed
- extendDatafields364() : mixed
- upgradeSurveyTimings350() : mixed
- resetTutorials337() : void
- upgrade333() : void
- upgrade331() : void
- upgrade330() : void
- upgrade328() : void
- upgrade327() : void
- transferPasswordFieldToText() : mixed
- createSurveyMenuTable() : void
- createSurveysGroupSettingsTable() : void
- createSurveyGroupTables306() : void
- upgradeTemplateTables304() : void
- upgradeTemplateTables298() : void
- upgradeTokenTables256() : mixed
- upgradeSurveyTables255() : mixed
- upgradeSurveyTables254() : mixed
- upgradeSurveyTables253() : mixed
- upgradeBoxesTable251() : mixed
- createBoxes250() : mixed
- Create boxes table
- fixKCFinder184() : mixed
- upgradeSurveyTables183() : mixed
- upgradeSurveyTables181() : mixed
- upgradeTokenTables181() : mixed
- upgradeTokenTables179() : mixed
- upgradeSurveys177() : mixed
- upgradeTokens176() : mixed
- This function removes the old CPDB fields in token tables replaces them with standard attribute fields and records the mapping information in the attributedescription field in the survey table instead
- upgradeCPDBAttributeDefaultNames173() : mixed
- upgradePermissions166() : mixed
- Converts global permissions from users table to the new permission system, and converts template permissions from template_rights to new permission table
- upgradeSurveyTables164() : string|null
- Make sure all active tables have the right sized token field
- upgradeSurveys156() : mixed
- upgradeTokens148() : mixed
- upgradeQuestionAttributes148() : mixed
- upgradeSurveyTimings146() : mixed
- upgradeTokens145() : mixed
- upgradeSurveys145() : mixed
- upgradeSurveyPermissions145() : mixed
- upgradeTables143() : mixed
- upgradeQuestionAttributes142() : mixed
- upgradeSurveyTables139() : mixed
- upgradeTokenTables134() : mixed
- alterColumn() : mixed
- addColumn() : mixed
- setTransactionBookmark() : mixed
- Set a transaction bookmark - this is critical for Postgres because a transaction in Postgres cannot be continued unless you roll back to the transaction bookmark first
- rollBackToTransactionBookmark() : mixed
- Roll back to a transaction bookmark
- dropDefaultValueMSSQL() : mixed
- Drop a default value in MSSQL
- dropUniqueKeyMSSQL() : mixed
- This function drops a unique Key of an MSSQL database field by using the field name and the table name
- dropSecondaryKeyMSSQL() : mixed
- This function drops a secondary key of an MSSQL database field by using the field name and the table name
- dropPrimaryKey() : mixed
- Drops the primary key of a table
- addPrimaryKey() : mixed
- modifyPrimaryKey() : mixed
- Modifies a primary key in one command - this is only tested on MySQL
- fixMySQLCollations() : mixed
- dropColumn() : mixed
- Drops a column, automatically removes blocking default value on MSSQL
- alterLanguageCode() : mixed
- Renames a language code in the whole LimeSurvey database
- fixLanguageConsistencyAllSurveys() : mixed
- fixPostgresSequence() : void
- This function fixes Postgres sequences for one/all tables in a database This is necessary if a table is renamed. If tablename is given then only that table is fixed
- runAddPrimaryKeyonAnswersTable400() : mixed
- regenerateLabelCodes400() : void
- Regenerate codes for problematic label sets Helper function (TODO: Put in separate class) Fails silently
- removeMysqlZeroDate() : void
- Remove all zero-dates in $tableName by checking datetime columns from $tableSchema Zero-dates are replaced with null where possible; otherwise 1970-01-01
- getRelevantUpdates() : array<string|int, DatabaseUpdateBase>
- Returns a sorted array of update objects with version higher than $iOldDBVersion
- createChart() : mixed
- Generate a chart for a question
- getQuestionMapData() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Return data to populate a Google Map
- buildSelects() : mixed
- Builds the list of addon SQL select statements that builds the query result set
- square() : mixed
- Simple function to square a value
- setSeed() : void
- Set seed for this response If there is no seed, create a new one Also inits the twister.
- shuffle() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Shuffle an array using MersenneTwister Argument NOT called by reference!
- scanFile() : mixed
- populateDatabase() : mixed
ADOdb Date Library, part of the ADOdb abstraction library Download:
= 0.33
PHP native date functions use integer timestamps for computations. Because of this, dates are restricted to the years 1901-2038 on Unix and 1970-2038 on Windows due to integer overflow for dates beyond those years. This library overcomes these limitations by replacing the native function's signed integers (normally 32-bits) with PHP floating point numbers (normally 64-bits).
Dates from 100 A.D. to 3000 A.D. and later have been tested. The minimum is 100 A.D. as <100 will invoke the 2 => 4 digit year conversion. The maximum is billions of years in the future, but this is a theoretical limit as the computation of that year would take too long with the current implementation of adodb_mktime().
This library replaces native functions as follows:
getdate() with adodb_getdate() date() with adodb_date() gmdate() with adodb_gmdate() mktime() with adodb_mktime() gmmktime() with adodb_gmmktime() strftime() with adodb_strftime() strftime() with adodb_gmstrftime()
The parameters are identical, except that adodb_date() accepts a subset of date()'s field formats. Mktime() will convert from local time to GMT, and date() will convert from GMT to local time, but daylight savings is not handled currently.
This library is independant of the rest of ADOdb, and can be used as standalone code.
For high speed, this library uses the native date functions where possible, and only switches to PHP code when the dates fall outside the 32-bit signed integer range.
Pope Gregory shortened October of A.D. 1582 by ten days. Thursday, October 4, 1582 (Julian) was followed immediately by Friday, October 15, 1582 (Gregorian).
Since 0.06, we handle this correctly, so:
adodb_mktime(0,0,0,10,15,1582) - adodb_mktime(0,0,0,10,4,1582) == 24 * 3600 (1 day)
(c) 2003-2005 John Lim and released under BSD-style license except for code by jackbbs, which includes adodb_mktime, adodb_get_gmt_diff, adodb_is_leap_year and originally found at
These should be posted to the ADOdb forums at
- FUNCTION adodb_getdate($date=false)
Returns an array containing date information, as getdate(), but supports dates greater than 1901 to 2038. The local date/time format is derived from a heuristic the first time adodb_getdate is called.
- FUNCTION adodb_date($fmt, $timestamp = false)
Convert a timestamp to a formatted local date. If $timestamp is not defined, the current timestamp is used. Unlike the function date(), it supports dates outside the 1901 to 2038 range.
The format fields that adodb_date supports:
a - "am" or "pm" A - "AM" or "PM" d - day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros; i.e. "01" to "31" D - day of the week, textual, 3 letters; e.g. "Fri" F - month, textual, long; e.g. "January" g - hour, 12-hour format without leading zeros; i.e. "1" to "12" G - hour, 24-hour format without leading zeros; i.e. "0" to "23" h - hour, 12-hour format; i.e. "01" to "12" H - hour, 24-hour format; i.e. "00" to "23" i - minutes; i.e. "00" to "59" j - day of the month without leading zeros; i.e. "1" to "31" l (lowercase 'L') - day of the week, textual, long; e.g. "Friday" L - boolean for whether it is a leap year; i.e. "0" or "1" m - month; i.e. "01" to "12" M - month, textual, 3 letters; e.g. "Jan" n - month without leading zeros; i.e. "1" to "12" O - Difference to Greenwich time in hours; e.g. "+0200" Q - Quarter, as in 1, 2, 3, 4 r - RFC 2822 formatted date; e.g. "Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200" s - seconds; i.e. "00" to "59" S - English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters; i.e. "st", "nd", "rd" or "th" t - number of days in the given month; i.e. "28" to "31" T - Timezone setting of this machine; e.g. "EST" or "MDT" U - seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT) w - day of the week, numeric, i.e. "0" (Sunday) to "6" (Saturday) Y - year, 4 digits; e.g. "1999" y - year, 2 digits; e.g. "99" z - day of the year; i.e. "0" to "365" Z - timezone offset in seconds (i.e. "-43200" to "43200"). The offset for timezones west of UTC is always negative, and for those east of UTC is always positive.
B - Swatch Internet time I (capital i) - "1" if Daylight Savings Time, "0" otherwise. W - ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday
- FUNCTION adodb_date2($fmt, $isoDateString = false) Same as adodb_date, but 2nd parameter accepts iso date, eg.
adodb_date2('d-M-Y H:i','2003-12-25 13:01:34');
- FUNCTION adodb_gmdate($fmt, $timestamp = false)
Convert a timestamp to a formatted GMT date. If $timestamp is not defined, the current timestamp is used. Unlike the function date(), it supports dates outside the 1901 to 2038 range.
- FUNCTION adodb_mktime($hr, $min, $sec[, $month, $day, $year])
Converts a local date to a unix timestamp. Unlike the function mktime(), it supports dates outside the 1901 to 2038 range. All parameters are optional.
- FUNCTION adodb_gmmktime($hr, $min, $sec [, $month, $day, $year])
Converts a gmt date to a unix timestamp. Unlike the function gmmktime(), it supports dates outside the 1901 to 2038 range. Differs from gmmktime() in that all parameters are currently compulsory.
- FUNCTION adodb_gmstrftime($fmt, $timestamp = false) Convert a timestamp to a formatted GMT date.
- FUNCTION adodb_strftime($fmt, $timestamp = false)
Convert a timestamp to a formatted local date. Internally converts $fmt into adodb_date format, then echo result.
For best results, you can define the local date format yourself. Define a global variable $ADODB_DATE_LOCALE which is an array, 1st element is date format using adodb_date syntax, and 2nd element is the time format, also in adodb_date syntax.
eg. $ADODB_DATE_LOCALE = array('d/m/Y','H:i:s');
Supported format codes:
%a - abbreviated weekday name according to the current locale %A - full weekday name according to the current locale %b - abbreviated month name according to the current locale %B - full month name according to the current locale %c - preferred date and time representation for the current locale %d - day of the month as a decimal number (range 01 to 31) %D - same as %m/%d/%y %e - day of the month as a decimal number, a single digit is preceded by a space (range ' 1' to '31') %h - same as %b %H - hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock (range 00 to 23) %I - hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock (range 01 to 12) %m - month as a decimal number (range 01 to 12) %M - minute as a decimal number %n - newline character %p - either `am' or `pm' according to the given time value, or the corresponding strings for the current locale %r - time in a.m. and p.m. notation %R - time in 24 hour notation %S - second as a decimal number %t - tab character %T - current time, equal to %H:%M:%S %x - preferred date representation for the current locale without the time %X - preferred time representation for the current locale without the date %y - year as a decimal number without a century (range 00 to 99) %Y - year as a decimal number including the century %Z - time zone or name or abbreviation %% - a literal `%' character
Unsupported codes:
%C - century number (the year divided by 100 and truncated to an integer, range 00 to 99) %g - like %G, but without the century. %G - The 4-digit year corresponding to the ISO week number (see %V). This has the same format and value as %Y, except that if the ISO week number belongs to the previous or next year, that year is used instead. %j - day of the year as a decimal number (range 001 to 366) %u - weekday as a decimal number [1,7], with 1 representing Monday %U - week number of the current year as a decimal number, starting with the first Sunday as the first day of the first week %V - The ISO 8601:1988 week number of the current year as a decimal number, range 01 to 53, where week 1 is the first week that has at least 4 days in the current year, and with Monday as the first day of the week. (Use %G or %g for the year component that corresponds to the week number for the specified timestamp.) %w - day of the week as a decimal, Sunday being 0 %W - week number of the current year as a decimal number, starting with the first Monday as the first day of the first week
Useful url for generating test timestamps:
Possible future optimizations include
a. Using an algorithm similar to Plauger's in "The Standard C Library" (page 428, xttotm.c _Ttotm() function). Plauger's algorithm will not work outside 32-bit signed range, so i decided not to implement it.
b. Implement daylight savings, which looks awfully complicated, see
11 Feb 2008 0.33 Bug in 0.32 fix for hour handling. Fixed.
1 Feb 2008 0.32 Now adodb_mktime(0,0,0,12+$m,20,2040) works properly.
10 Jan 2008 0.31 Now adodb_mktime(0,0,0,24,1,2037) works correctly.
15 July 2007 0.30 Added PHP 5.2.0 compatability fixes. gmtime behaviour for 1970 has changed. We use the actual date if it is between 1970 to 2038 to get the timezone, otherwise we use the current year as the baseline to retrieve the timezone. Also the timezone's in php 5.2.* support historical data better, eg. if timezone today was +8, but in 1970 it was +7:30, then php 5.2 return +7:30, while this library will use +8.
19 March 2006 0.24 Changed strftime() locale detection, because some locales prepend the day of week to the date when %c is used.
10 Feb 2006 0.23 PHP5 compat: when we detect PHP5, the RFC2822 format for gmt 0000hrs is changed from -0000 to +0000. In PHP4, we will still use -0000 for 100% compat with PHP4.
08 Sept 2005 0.22 In adodb_date2(), $is_gmt not supported properly. Fixed.
18 July 2005 0.21 In PHP 4.3.11, the 'r' format has changed. Leading 0 in day is added. Changed for compat. Added support for negative months in adodb_mktime().
24 Feb 2005 0.20 Added limited strftime/gmstrftime support. x10 improvement in performance of adodb_date().
21 Dec 2004 0.17 In adodb_getdate(), the timestamp was accidentally converted to gmt when $is_gmt is false. Also adodb_mktime(0,0,0) did not work properly. Both fixed thx Mauro.
17 Nov 2004 0.16 Removed intval typecast in adodb_mktime() for secs, allowing: adodb_mktime(0,0,0 + 2236672153,1,1,1934); Suggested by Ryan.
18 July 2004 0.15 All params in adodb_mktime were formerly compulsory. Now only the hour, min, secs is compulsory. This brings it more in line with mktime (still not identical).
23 June 2004 0.14
Allow you to define your own daylights savings function, adodb_daylight_sv. If the function is defined (somewhere in an include), then you can correct for daylights savings.
In this example, we apply daylights savings in June or July, adding one hour. This is extremely unrealistic as it does not take into account time-zone, geographic location, current year.
function adodb_daylight_sv(&$arr, $is_gmt) { if ($is_gmt) return; $m = $arr['mon']; if ($m == 6 || $m == 7) $arr['hours'] += 1; }
This is only called by adodb_date() and not by adodb_mktime().
The format of $arr is Array ( [seconds] => 0 [minutes] => 0 [hours] => 0 [mday] => 1 # day of month, eg 1st day of the month [mon] => 2 # month (eg. Feb) [year] => 2102 [yday] => 31 # days in current year [leap] => # true if leap year [ndays] => 28 # no of days in current month )
28 Apr 2004 0.13 Fixed adodb_date to properly support $is_gmt. Thx to Dimitar Angelov.
20 Mar 2004 0.12 Fixed month calculation error in adodb_date. 2102-June-01 appeared as 2102-May-32.
26 Oct 2003 0.11 Because of daylight savings problems (some systems apply daylight savings to January!!!), changed adodb_get_gmt_diff() to ignore daylight savings.
9 Aug 2003 0.10 Fixed bug with dates after 2038. See
1 July 2003 0.09 Added support for Q (Quarter). Added adodb_date2(), which accepts ISO date in 2nd param
3 March 2003 0.08 Added support for 'S' adodb_date() format char. Added constant ADODB_ALLOW_NEGATIVE_TS if you want PHP to handle negative timestamps between 1901 to 1969.
27 Feb 2003 0.07 All negative numbers handled by adodb now because of RH 7.3+ problems. See
4 Feb 2003 0.06 Fixed a typo, 1852 changed to 1582! This means that pre-1852 dates are now correctly handled.
29 Jan 2003 0.05
Leap year checking differs under Julian calendar (pre 1582). Also leap year code optimized by checking for most common case first.
We also handle month overflow correctly in mktime (eg month set to 13).
Day overflow for less than one month's days is supported.
- 28 Jan 2003 0.04
Gregorian correction handled. In PHP5, we might throw an error if mktime uses invalid dates around 5-14 Oct 1582. Released with ADOdb 3.10. Added limbo 5-14 Oct 1582 check, when we set to 15 Oct 1582.
- 27 Jan 2003 0.03
Fixed some more month problems due to gmt issues. Added constant ADODB_DATE_VERSION. Fixed calculation of days since start of year for <1970.
- 27 Jan 2003 0.02
Changed _adodb_getdate() to inline leap year checking for better performance. Fixed problem with time-zones west of GMT +0000.
- 24 Jan 2003 0.01
First implementation.
= 1
= 1
= \Yii::app()->getBasePath() . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
= \BASEPATH . $application_folder . '/'
= \dirname(__FILE__) . '/..'
= '.'
= '.'
= \true
= \str_replace("\\", "/", $system_path)
= ' checked="checked"'
= '.php'
= '.php'
= \str_replace(\SELF, '', __FILE__)
= 32
= 8
= 16
= Template::getTemplatePath($aSurveyInfo['template']) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
= \true
= 64
= 0x32
= 1
= 4
= 2
= 32
= App()->getConfig('styleurl') . '/Sea_Green/images/logo_icon.png'
= App()->getConfig('styleurl') . '/Sea_Green/images/logo.svg'
= 0
= 16
= 3
= 3
= 40
= 10
= 1
= \Yii::app()->getConfig('tempdir') . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
= gT('This is the LimeSurvey admin interface. Start to build your survey from here.')
= $sFullTemplatePath
= $sFullTemplateUrl
= \false
= \false
= 2
= 3
= 0
= 1
= 2
= \true
= 2
= 1
= 0
= \true
= \false
= 2
= 1
= 3
= -1
= 0
= 4
= 1024
= \true
= 3
= 2
= 0
= 1
= 40
= 177
= file_get_contents(getTemplatePath($thissurvey['template']) . '/question_start.pstpl')
= \dirname(__FILE__)
= ' selected="selected"'
= \pathinfo(__FILE__, \PATHINFO_BASENAME)
= 1
= 20
= \trim(\strrchr(\trim(\BASEPATH, '/'), '/'), '/')
= 4
Change the following URL based on your server configuration Make sure the URL ends with a slash so that we can use relative URLs in test cases
= 'http://localhost/testdrive/index-test.php/'
= 128
= \false
SureRemoveDir(mixed $dir, mixed $DeleteMe[, mixed $excludes = [] ]) : mixed
- $dir : mixed
- $DeleteMe : mixed
- $excludes : mixed = []
SureRemoveDir(mixed $dir, mixed $DeleteMe) : mixed
- $dir : mixed
- $DeleteMe : mixed
subval_sort(array<string|int, mixed> $a, string $subkey, string $order) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $a : array<string|int, mixed>
- $subkey : string
- $order : string
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>pluginExtractFilter()
PCLZip callback for plugin ZIP install.
pluginExtractFilter(mixed $p_event, mixed &$p_header) : int
- $p_event : mixed
- $p_header : mixed
Return values
int —Return 1 for yes (file can be extracted), 0 for no
Outputs a full dump of the current LimeSurvey database
outputDatabase([string $sDbName = '' ][, mixed $bEchoOutput = true ][, mixed $sFileName = null ]) : mixed
- $sDbName : string = ''
Database Name
- $bEchoOutput : mixed = true
- $sFileName : mixed = null
_outputDBDescription(mixed $sDbName, mixed $bAllowExportAllDb) : mixed
- $sDbName : mixed
- $bAllowExportAllDb : mixed
_outputDBData(mixed $bAllowExportAllDb, mixed $bEchoOutput, mixed $sFileName, mixed $oFile) : mixed
- $bAllowExportAllDb : mixed
- $bEchoOutput : mixed
- $sFileName : mixed
- $oFile : mixed
Outputs the table structure in sql format
_outputTableDescription(mixed $sTableName) : mixed
- $sTableName : mixed
Outputs the table data in sql format
_outputTableData(mixed $sTableName, mixed $oTableData, mixed $bEchoOutput, mixed $sFileName, mixed $oFile) : mixed
- $sTableName : mixed
- $oTableData : mixed
- $bEchoOutput : mixed
- $sFileName : mixed
- $oFile : mixed
_outputRecords(mixed $sTableName, mixed $aFieldNames, mixed $aRecords) : mixed
- $sTableName : mixed
- $aFieldNames : mixed
- $aRecords : mixed
_countNumberOfEntries(mixed $sTableName) : mixed
- $sTableName : mixed
_getMaxNbRecords() : mixed
Get the database name
_getDbName() : mixed
initKcfinder() : mixed
sTranslateLangCode2CK(mixed $sLanguageCode) : mixed
- $sLanguageCode : mixed
PrepareEditorScript([mixed $load = false ][, CController $controller = null ]) : mixed
- $load : mixed = false
- $controller : CController = null
TODO: Allow to be called automatically (and only load once) from getEditor, or from a widget.
Returns Editor.
getEditor(string $fieldtype, string $fieldname, mixed $fieldtext[, int|null $surveyID = null ][, int|null $gID = null ][, int|null $qID = null ][, string $action = null ]) : string
PrepareEditorScript function must be called first. If getting a JS error about missing CKEditor files, please review if PrepareEditorScript was called.
- $fieldtype : string
Field Type
- $fieldname : string
Field Name, the id attribute of the textarea
- $fieldtext : mixed
- $surveyID : int|null = null
Survey ID
- $gID : int|null = null
Group ID
- $qID : int|null = null
Question ID
- $action : string = null
Return values
getPopupEditor( $fieldtype, $fieldname, $fieldtext[, $surveyID = null ][, $gID = null ][, $qID = null ][, $action = null ]) : string
- $fieldtype :
- $fieldname :
- $fieldtext :
- $surveyID : = null
- $gID : = null
- $qID : = null
- $action : = null
Return values
getModalEditor( $fieldtype, $fieldname, $fieldtext[, $surveyID = null ][, $gID = null ][, $qID = null ][, $action = null ]) : string
- $fieldtype :
- $fieldname :
- $fieldtext :
- $surveyID : = null
- $gID : = null
- $qID : = null
- $action : = null
Return values
getInlineEditor(mixed $fieldtype, mixed $fieldname, mixed $fieldtext[, mixed $surveyID = null ][, mixed $gID = null ][, mixed $qID = null ][, mixed $action = null ]) : mixed
- $fieldtype : mixed
- $fieldname : mixed
- $fieldtext : mixed
- $surveyID : mixed = null
- $gID : mixed = null
- $qID : mixed = null
- $action : mixed = null
getLoaderHTML(mixed $fieldname) : mixed
- $fieldname : mixed
This function imports a LimeSurvey .lsg question group XML file
XMLImportGroup(string $sFullFilePath, int $iNewSID, bool $bTranslateLinksFields) : mixed
- $sFullFilePath : string
The full filepath of the uploaded file
- $iNewSID : int
The new survey ID - the page will always be added after the last page in the survey
- $bTranslateLinksFields : bool
This function imports a LimeSurvey .lsq question XML file
XMLImportQuestion(string $sFullFilePath, int $iNewSID, $iNewGID[, array<string|int, bool> $options = array('autorename' => false, 'translinkfields' => true) ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $sFullFilePath : string
The full filepath of the uploaded file
- $iNewSID : int
The new survey ID
- $iNewGID :
- $options : array<string|int, bool> = array('autorename' => false, 'translinkfields' => true)
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>XMLImportLabelsets()
XMLImportLabelsets() Function resp[onsible to import a labelset from XML format.
XMLImportLabelsets(string $sFullFilePath, mixed $options) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $sFullFilePath : string
- $options : mixed
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —Array with count of imported labelsets, labels, warning, etc.
importSurveyFile(string $sFullFilePath, bool $bTranslateLinksFields[, string $sNewSurveyName = null ][, int $DestSurveyID = null ]) : mixed
- $sFullFilePath : string
- $bTranslateLinksFields : bool
- $sNewSurveyName : string = null
- $DestSurveyID : int = null
This function imports a LimeSurvey .lss survey XML file
XMLImportSurvey(string $sFullFilePath[, string $sXMLdata = null ][, mixed $sNewSurveyName = null ][, mixed $iDesiredSurveyId = null ][, mixed $bTranslateInsertansTags = true ][, mixed $bConvertInvalidQuestionCodes = true ]) : mixed
- $sFullFilePath : string
The full filepath of the uploaded file
- $sXMLdata : string = null
- $sNewSurveyName : mixed = null
- $iDesiredSurveyId : mixed = null
- $bTranslateInsertansTags : mixed = true
- $bConvertInvalidQuestionCodes : mixed = true
This function checks if there are set wrong values ('Y' or 'N') into table question_attributes. These are set to 1 and 0 if needed.
checkWrongQuestionAttributes( $questionId) : mixed
XMLImportTokens(string $sFullFilePath, mixed $iSurveyID[, mixed $sCreateMissingAttributeFields = true ]) : mixed
- $sFullFilePath : string
- $iSurveyID : mixed
- $sCreateMissingAttributeFields : mixed = true
XMLImportResponses(string $sFullFilePath, mixed $iSurveyID[, mixed $aFieldReMap = array() ]) : mixed
- $sFullFilePath : string
- $iSurveyID : mixed
- $aFieldReMap : mixed = array()
This function imports a CSV file into the response table CSV file is deleted during process
CSVImportResponses(string $sFullFilePath, int $iSurveyId[, array<string|int, mixed> $aOptions = array() ]) : mixed
- $sFullFilePath : string
- $iSurveyId : int
- $aOptions : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
Return array $result ("errors","warnings","success")
XMLImportTimings(string $sFullFilePath, mixed $iSurveyID[, mixed $aFieldReMap = array() ]) : mixed
- $sFullFilePath : string
- $iSurveyID : mixed
- $aFieldReMap : mixed = array()
Import survey from an TSV file template that does not require assigning of GID or QID values.
TSVImportSurvey(string $sFullFilePath) : string
If ID's are presented, they would be respected and used Multilanguage imports are supported Original function is changed to allow generating of XML instead of creating database objects directly Generated XML code is send to existing lss import function
- $sFullFilePath : string
Return values
string —XML data
createXMLfromData([mixed $aData = array() ]) : mixed
- $aData : mixed = array()
Import default values inside $xml, record process in $results Also imports defaultvalue_l10ns.
importDefaultValues(SimpleXMLElement $xml, array<string|int, mixed> $aLanguagesSupported, mixed $aQIDReplacements, array<string|int, mixed> &$results) : void
- $xml : SimpleXMLElement
- $aLanguagesSupported : array<string|int, mixed>
- $aQIDReplacements : mixed
- $results : array<string|int, mixed>
Read a csv file and return a tmp resources to same file in utf8 CSV file is deleted during process
fileCsvToUtf8(string $fullfilepath[, string $encoding = 'auto' ]) : resource
- $fullfilepath : string
- $encoding : string = 'auto'
Return values
updateset(int $lid) : mixed
- $lid : int
insertlabelset() : LabelSet
Return values
modlabelsetanswers(null|int $lid) : mixed
- $lid : null|int
Function rewrites the sortorder for a label set
fixorder(mixed $lid) : mixed
- $lid : mixed
Label set ID
Checks Permission for the current user and returns an array with Permissions
permissionsAsArray(array<string|int, mixed> $globalPermissions[, array<string|int, mixed> $customPermissions = [] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $globalPermissions : array<string|int, mixed>
- $customPermissions : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>createChart()
Generate a chart for a question
createChart(mixed $iQuestionID, int $iSurveyID, mixed $type, mixed $lbl, mixed $gdata, mixed $grawdata, mixed $cache, mixed $sLanguageCode, mixed $sQuestionType) : mixed
@param int $iQuestionID ID of the question
- $iQuestionID : mixed
- $iSurveyID : int
ID of the survey @param mixed $type Type of the chart to be created - null produces bar chart, any other value produces pie chart @param array $lbl An array containing the labels for the chart items @param mixed $gdata An array containing the percentages for the chart items @param mixed $grawdata An array containing the raw count for the chart items @param pCache $cache An object containing [Hashkey] and [CacheFolder] @param mixed $sLanguageCode Language Code @param string $sQuestionType The question type @return false|string
- $type : mixed
- $lbl : mixed
- $gdata : mixed
- $grawdata : mixed
- $cache : mixed
- $sLanguageCode : mixed
- $sQuestionType : mixed
Return data to populate a Google Map
getQuestionMapData(string $sField, $qsid) : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>buildSelects()
Builds the list of addon SQL select statements that builds the query result set
buildSelects(mixed $allfields, int $surveyid, mixed $language) : mixed
@param array $allfields An array containing the names of the fields/answers we want to display in the statistics summary
- $allfields : mixed
- $surveyid : int
@param string $language The language to use
@return array $selects array of individual select statements that can be added/appended to the 'where' portion of a SQL statement to restrict the result set ie: array("
='Hello'"); - $language : mixed
Simple function to square a value
square(mixed $number) : mixed
- $number : mixed
Value to square
getEncryptedCondition(mixed $responseModel, mixed $attribute, mixed $value) : mixed
- $responseModel : mixed
- $attribute : mixed
- $value : mixed
getSurveyDefaultSettings() : mixed
doreplacement(string $file, mixed $data[, mixed $oTemplate = '' ]) : mixed
- $file : string
- $data : mixed
- $oTemplate : mixed = ''
getListOfFiles(mixed $wh) : mixed
- $wh : mixed
mkdir_p(string $target) : mixed
- $target : string
themeoptions(mixed $optionarray, mixed $selectedvalue) : mixed
- $optionarray : mixed
- $selectedvalue : mixed
multiarray_search(mixed $arrayVet, mixed $campo, mixed $valor) : mixed
- $arrayVet : mixed
- $campo : mixed
- $valor : mixed
recursive_in_array(mixed $needle, mixed $haystack) : mixed
- $needle : mixed
- $haystack : mixed
This function checks if a certain template may be by modified, copied, deleted according to the settings in config.php
is_template_editable(mixed $templatename) : mixed
- $templatename : mixed
This is a PCLZip callback function that ensures only files are extracted that have a valid extension
templateExtractFilter(mixed $p_event, mixed &$p_header) : int
- $p_event : mixed
- $p_header : mixed
Return values
int —Return 1 for yes (file can be extracted), 0 for no
Sends email to tokens - invitations, reminders, registers, and confirmations Seems used only in remote_control : maybe move it to ?
emailTokens(int $iSurveyID, array<string|int, CActiveRecord> $aResultTokens, string $sType[, bool $continueOnError = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $iSurveyID : int
- $aResultTokens : array<string|int, CActiveRecord>
- $sType : string
type of notification invite|register|remind|confirm
- $continueOnError : bool = false
Don't stop on first invalid participant
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —of results
adodb_date_test_date(int $y1, int $m[, mixed $d = 13 ]) : mixed
- $y1 : int
- $m : int
- $d : mixed = 13
adodb_date_test_strftime(string $fmt) : mixed
- $fmt : string
Test Suite
adodb_date_test() : mixed
Returns day of week, 0 = Sunday,... 6=Saturday.
adodb_dow(mixed $year, mixed $month, mixed $day) : mixed
Algorithm from PEAR::Date_Calc
- $year : mixed
- $month : mixed
- $day : mixed
Checks for leap year, returns true if it is. No 2-digit year check. Also handles julian calendar correctly.
_adodb_is_leap_year(mixed $year) : mixed
- $year : mixed
checks for leap year, returns true if it is. Has 2-digit year check
adodb_is_leap_year(mixed $year) : mixed
- $year : mixed
Fix 2-digit years. Works for any century.
adodb_year_digit_check(mixed $y) : mixed
Assumes that if 2-digit is more than 30 years in future, then previous century.
- $y : mixed
adodb_get_gmt_diff_ts(bool $ts) : mixed
- $ts : bool
get local time zone offset from GMT. Does not handle historical timezones before 1970.
adodb_get_gmt_diff(mixed $y, mixed $m, mixed $d) : mixed
- $y : mixed
- $m : mixed
- $d : mixed
Returns an array with date info.
adodb_getdate([mixed $d = false ][, mixed $fast = false ]) : mixed
- $d : mixed = false
- $fast : mixed = false
adodb_validdate(mixed $y, mixed $m, mixed $d) : mixed
- $y : mixed
- $m : mixed
- $d : mixed
Low-level function that returns the getdate() array. We have a special $fast flag, which if set to true, will return fewer array values, and is much faster as it does not calculate dow, etc.
_adodb_getdate([mixed $origd = false ][, mixed $fast = false ][, mixed $is_gmt = false ]) : mixed
- $origd : mixed = false
- $fast : mixed = false
- $is_gmt : mixed = false
adodb_tz_offset(mixed $gmt, bool $isphp5) : mixed
- $gmt : mixed
- $isphp5 : bool
adodb_gmdate(mixed $fmt[, mixed $d = false ]) : mixed
- $fmt : mixed
- $d : mixed = false
adodb_date2(mixed $fmt[, mixed $d = false ][, mixed $is_gmt = false ]) : mixed
- $fmt : mixed
- $d : mixed = false
- $is_gmt : mixed = false
Return formatted date based on timestamp $d
adodb_date(mixed $fmt[, mixed $d = false ][, mixed $is_gmt = false ]) : string
- $fmt : mixed
- $d : mixed = false
- $is_gmt : mixed = false
Return values
Returns a timestamp given a GMT/UTC time.
adodb_gmmktime(mixed $hr, mixed $min, mixed $sec[, mixed $mon = false ][, mixed $day = false ][, mixed $year = false ][, mixed $is_dst = false ]) : mixed
Note that $is_dst is not implemented and is ignored.
- $hr : mixed
- $min : mixed
- $sec : mixed
- $mon : mixed = false
- $day : mixed = false
- $year : mixed = false
- $is_dst : mixed = false
Return a timestamp given a local time. Originally by jackbbs.
adodb_mktime(mixed $hr, mixed $min, mixed $sec[, mixed $mon = false ][, mixed $day = false ][, mixed $year = false ][, mixed $is_dst = false ][, mixed $is_gmt = false ]) : mixed
Note that $is_dst is not implemented and is ignored.
Not a very fast algorithm - O(n) operation. Could be optimized to O(1).
- $hr : mixed
- $min : mixed
- $sec : mixed
- $mon : mixed = false
- $day : mixed = false
- $year : mixed = false
- $is_dst : mixed = false
- $is_gmt : mixed = false
adodb_gmstrftime(mixed $fmt[, mixed $ts = false ]) : mixed
- $fmt : mixed
- $ts : mixed = false
adodb_strftime(mixed $fmt[, mixed $ts = false ][, mixed $is_gmt = false ]) : mixed
- $fmt : mixed
- $ts : mixed = false
- $is_gmt : mixed = false
Returns $sToTranslate translated to $sLanguage (defaults to lang set in session) escaped with $sEscapeMode
gT(string $sToTranslate[, string $sEscapeMode = 'html' ][, string $sLanguage = null ]) : string
- $sToTranslate : string
- $sEscapeMode : string = 'html'
Valid values are html (this is the default, js and unescaped)
- $sLanguage : string = null
Return values
As gT(), but echoes directly
eT(string $sToTranslate[, string $sEscapeMode = 'html' ]) : void
- $sToTranslate : string
- $sEscapeMode : string = 'html'
Translation helper function for plural forms
ngT(string $sTextToTranslate, int $iCount[, string $sEscapeMode = 'html' ]) : string
- $sTextToTranslate : string
- $iCount : int
- $sEscapeMode : string = 'html'
Return values
Translation helper function for plural forms which outputs right away
neT(string $sToTranslate, int $iCount[, string $sEscapeMode = 'html' ]) : mixed
- $sToTranslate : string
- $iCount : int
- $sEscapeMode : string = 'html'
Quotes a translation according to purpose if sEscapeMode is null, we use HTML method because probably we had to specify null as sEscapeMode upstream
quoteText(mixed $sText[, string $sEscapeMode = 'html' ]) : mixed|string
- $sText : mixed
Text to quote
- $sEscapeMode : string = 'html'
Optional - One of the values 'html','js' or 'unescaped' - defaults to 'html'
Return values
getSurveyList() Queries the database (survey table) for a list of existing surveys
getSurveyList([bool $bReturnArray = false ]) : string|array<string|int, mixed>
- $bReturnArray : bool = false
If set to true an array instead of an HTML option list is given back (unused by core (2023-04-12))
Return values
string|array<string|int, mixed> —This string is returned containing formatted list of existing surveys
getGidPrevious() returns the Gid of the group prior to the current active group
getGidPrevious(int $surveyid, int $gid) : int|string
- $surveyid : int
- $gid : int
Return values
int|string —The GID of the previous group or blank string if no group
getGidNext() returns the Gid of the group next to the current active group
getGidNext(int $surveyid, int $gid) : int|string
- $surveyid : int
- $gid : int
Return values
int|string —The Gid of the next group or blank string if no group
convertGETtoPOST a function to create a post Request from get parameters !!! This functions result has to be wrappen in singlequotes!
convertGETtoPOST(string $url) : string
- $url : string
| The complete url with all parameters
Return values
string —| The onclick action for the element
This function calculates how much space is actually used by all files uploaded using the File Upload question type
calculateTotalFileUploadUsage() : mixed
getDirectorySize(string $directory) : int
- $directory : string
Return values
Queries the database for the maximum sortorder of a group and returns the next higher one.
getMaxGroupOrder(int $surveyid) : int
- $surveyid : int
The survey ID
Return values
int —Next free sortorder digit
Queries the database for the sortorder of a group.
getGroupOrder(mixed $gid) : int
- $gid : mixed
The groups ID
Return values
int —The sortorder digit
Queries the database for the maximum sort order of questions inside question group.
getMaxQuestionOrder(int $gid) : int
- $gid : int
Return values
setupColumns() defines all the html tags to be wrapped around various list type answers.
setupColumns(int $columns, int $answer_count[, string $wrapperclass = "" ][, string $itemclass = "" ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $columns : int
- the number of columns, usually supplied by $dcols
- $answer_count : int
- the number of answers to a question, usually supplied by $anscount
- $wrapperclass : string = ""
- a global class for the wrapper
- $itemclass : string = ""
- a class for the item
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —with all the various opening and closing tags to generate a set of columns.
alternation([mixed $alternate = '' ][, mixed $type = 'col' ]) : mixed
- $alternate : mixed = ''
- $type : mixed = 'col'
longestString() returns the length of the longest string past to it.
longestString(mixed $new_string, int $longest_length) : int
- $new_string : mixed
- $longest_length : int
Return values
int —representing the length of the longest string passed (updated if $new_string was longer than $longest_length)
usage should look like this: $longest_length = longestString( $new_string , $longest_length );
getGroupList3(mixed $gid, mixed $surveyid) : mixed
- $gid : mixed
- $surveyid : mixed
put your comment there.
getGroupListLang(mixed $gid, mixed $language, mixed $surveyid) : string
- $gid : mixed
- $language : mixed
- $surveyid : mixed
Return values
Returns a user list. If 'usercontrolSameGroupPolicy' is set and set to true, only users which are in the same group as me (--> logged in user) will be returned. Superadmin always gets the full list of users.
getUserList([ $outputformat = 'fullinfoarray' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $outputformat : = 'fullinfoarray'
string could be 'onlyuidarray' which only returns array with userids, default is 'fullinfoarray'
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —returns a list of user ids (param='onlyuidarray') or a list with full user details (e.g. uid, name, full_name etc.)
Gets all survey infos in one big array including the language specific settings
getSurveyInfo(int $surveyid[, string $languagecode = '' ][, bool $force = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
- $surveyid : int
The survey ID
- $languagecode : string = ''
The language code - if not given the base language of the particular survey is used
- $force : bool = false
If true, don't use memoization
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool —Returns array with survey info or false, if survey does not exist
Returns the default email template texts as array
templateDefaultTexts(mixed $sLanguage[, string $mode = 'html' ][, mixed $sNewlines = 'text' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $sLanguage : mixed
Required language translationb object
- $mode : string = 'html'
Escape mode for the translation function
- $sNewlines : mixed = 'text'
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>groupOrderThenQuestionOrder()
Compares two elements from an array (passed by the usort function) and returns -1, 0 or 1 depending on the result of the comparison of the sort order of the group_order and question_order field Used by : - remotecontrol_handle->export_statistics with merging group and question attributes (all in same array) - checkQuestions() in activate_helper function with ?
groupOrderThenQuestionOrder(mixed $a, mixed $b) : int
- $a : mixed
- $b : mixed
Return values
fixMovedQuestionConditions(int $qid, mixed $oldgid, int $newgid[, int $iSurveyID = null ]) : mixed
- $qid : int
- $oldgid : mixed
- $newgid : int
- $iSurveyID : int = null
This function returns POST/REQUEST vars, for some vars like SID and others they are also sanitized TODO: extends Yii:getParam
returnGlobal(string $stringname[, bool $bRestrictToString = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|mixed|int|null
- $stringname : string
- $bRestrictToString : bool = false
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool|mixed|int|nullsendCacheHeaders()
sendCacheHeaders() : mixed
getExtendedAnswer(int $iSurveyID, string $sFieldCode, string $sValue, string $sLanguage) : string
- $iSurveyID : int
The Survey ID
- $sFieldCode : string
Field code of the particular field
- $sValue : string
The stored response value
- $sLanguage : string
Initialized limesurvey_lang object for the resulting response data
Return values
Validate an email address - also supports IDN email addresses
validateEmailAddress(mixed $sEmailAddress) : mixed
- $sEmailAddress : mixed
Email address to check
Validate an list of email addresses - either as array or as semicolon-limited text
validateEmailAddresses(string $aEmailAddressList) : string
- $aEmailAddressList : string
Email address to check
Return values
string —List with valid email addresses - invalid email addresses are filtered - false if none of the email addresses are valid
This functions generates a a summary containing the SGQA for questions of a survey, enriched with options per question It can be used for the generation of statistics. Derived from StatisticsUserController
createCompleteSGQA(int $iSurveyID, array<string|int, mixed> $aFilters, string $sLanguage) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $iSurveyID : int
Id of the Survey in question
- $aFilters : array<string|int, mixed>
an array which is the result of a query in Questions model
- $sLanguage : string
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —The summary
This function generates an array containing the fieldcode, and matching data in the same order as the activate script
createFieldMap(Survey $survey[, string $style = 'short' ][, bool|null $force_refresh = false ][, bool|int $questionid = false ][, string $sLanguage = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> &$aDuplicateQIDs = array() ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $survey : Survey
Survey ActiveRecord model
- $style : string = 'short'
'short' (default) or 'full' - full creates extra information like default values
- $force_refresh : bool|null = false
- Forces to really refresh the array, not just take the session copy
- $questionid : bool|int = false
Limit to a certain qid only (for question preview) - default is false
- $sLanguage : string = ''
The language to use
- $aDuplicateQIDs : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>hasFileUploadQuestion()
Returns true if the given survey has a File Upload Question Type
hasFileUploadQuestion(int $iSurveyID) : bool
- $iSurveyID : int
Return values
This function generates an array containing the fieldcode, and matching data in the same order as the activate script
createTimingsFieldMap(string $surveyid[, string $style = 'full' ][, bool $force_refresh = false ][, int $questionid = false ][, string $sQuestionLanguage = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $surveyid : string
The Survey ID
- $style : string = 'full'
'short' (default) or 'full' - full creates extra information like default values
- $force_refresh : bool = false
- Forces to really refresh the array, not just take the session copy
- $questionid : int = false
Limit to a certain qid only (for question preview) - default is false
- $sQuestionLanguage : string = null
The language to use
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>arraySearchByKey()
arraySearchByKey(mixed $needle, mixed $haystack, string $keyname[, int $maxanswers = "" ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $needle : mixed
- $haystack : mixed
- $keyname : string
- $maxanswers : int = ""
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>buildLabelSetCheckSumArray()
buildLabelSetCheckSumArray() : mixed
Returns the questionAttribtue value set or '' if not set
getQuestionAttributeValue( $questionAttributeArray, string $attributeName[, $language = '' ]) : string
- $questionAttributeArray :
- $attributeName : string
- $language : = ''
string Optional: The language if the particualr attributes is localizable
Return values
questionTitleSort(mixed $a, mixed $b) : mixed
- $a : mixed
- $b : mixed
make a string safe to include in an HTML 'value' attribute.
HTMLEscape(mixed $str) : mixed
- $str : mixed
This function strips UTF-8 control characters from strings, except tabs, CR and LF - it is intended to be used before any response data is saved to the response table
stripCtrlChars(mixed $sValue) : string
- $sValue : mixed
A string to be sanitized
Return values
string —A sanitized string, otherwise the unmodified original variable
javascriptEscape(string $str[, mixed $strip_tags = false ][, mixed $htmldecode = false ]) : mixed
- $str : string
- $strip_tags : mixed = false
- $htmldecode : mixed = false
jsonEscape(string $str[, mixed $strip_tags = false ][, mixed $htmldecode = false ]) : mixed
- $str : string
- $strip_tags : mixed = false
- $htmldecode : mixed = false
This function mails a text $body to the recipient $to.
SendEmailMessage(string $body, mixed $subject, mixed $to, string $from, mixed $sitename[, bool $ishtml = false ][, mixed $bouncemail = null ][, mixed $attachments = null ][, mixed $customheaders = "" ]) : bool
You can use more than one recipient when using a semicolon separated string with recipients.
- $body : string
Body text of the email in plain text or HTML
- $subject : mixed
Email subject
- $to : mixed
Array with several email addresses or single string with one email address
- $from : string
- $sitename : mixed
- $ishtml : bool = false
- $bouncemail : mixed = null
- $attachments : mixed = null
- $customheaders : mixed = ""
Return values
bool —If successful returns true
This functions removes all HTML tags, Javascript, CRs, linefeeds and other strange chars from a given text
flattenText(string $sTextToFlatten[, bool $bKeepSpan = false ][, bool $bDecodeHTMLEntities = false ][, string $sCharset = 'UTF-8' ][, bool $bStripNewLines = true ]) : string
- $sTextToFlatten : string
Text you want to clean
- $bKeepSpan : bool = false
set to true for keep span, used for expression manager. Default: false
- $bDecodeHTMLEntities : bool = false
If set to true then all HTML entities will be decoded to the specified charset. Default: false
- $sCharset : string = 'UTF-8'
Charset to decode to if $decodeHTMLEntities is set to true. Default: UTF-8
- $bStripNewLines : bool = true
strip new lines if true, if false replace all new line by \r\n. Default: true
Return values
string —Cleaned text
getArrayFilterExcludesCascadesForGroup() queries the database and produces a list of array_filter_exclude questions and targets with in the same group
getArrayFilterExcludesCascadesForGroup(mixed $surveyid[, mixed $gid = "" ][, mixed $output = "qid" ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $surveyid : mixed
- $gid : mixed = ""
- $output : mixed = "qid"
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —a keyed nested array, keyed by the qid of the question, containing cascade information
createPassword([mixed $iPasswordLength = 12 ]) : mixed
- $iPasswordLength : mixed = 12
languageDropdown(mixed $surveyid, mixed $selected) : mixed
- $surveyid : mixed
- $selected : mixed
Creates a <select> HTML element for language selection for this survey
languageDropdownClean(int $surveyid, string $selected) : string
- $surveyid : int
- $selected : string
The selected language
Return values
This function removes a directory recursively
rmdirr(string $dirname) : bool
- $dirname : string
Return values
This function removes surrounding and masking quotes from the CSV field
CSVUnquote(mixed $field) : mixed
- $field : mixed
This function return actual completion state
incompleteAnsFilterState() : string|bool
Return values
string|bool —(complete|incomplete|all) or false
isCaptchaEnabled($screen, $usecaptchamode)
isCaptchaEnabled(string $screen[, mixed $captchamode = '' ]) : bool|null
- $screen : string
- the screen name for which to test captcha activation
- $captchamode : mixed = ''
Return values
bool|null —- returns true if captcha must be enabled
Check if a table does exist in the database
tableExists(string $sTableName) : bool
- $sTableName : string
Table name to check for (without dbprefix!))
Return values
bool —True or false if table exists or not
isTokenCompletedDatestamped(mixed $thesurvey) : mixed
- $thesurvey : mixed
example usage $date = "2006-12-31 21:00"; $shift "+6 hours"; // could be days, weeks... see function strtotime() for usage
dateShift(string $date, string $dformat, string $shift) : string
echo sql_date_shift($date, "Y-m-d H:i:s", $shift);
will output: 2007-01-01 03:00:00
- $date : string
- $dformat : string
- $shift : string
Return values
getBounceEmail(mixed $surveyid) : mixed
- $surveyid : mixed
getEmailFormat(mixed $surveyid) : mixed
- $surveyid : mixed
hasTemplateManageRights(mixed $userid, mixed $sThemeFolder) : mixed
- $userid : mixed
- $sThemeFolder : mixed
Translate links which are in any answer/question/survey/email template/label set to their new counterpart
translateLinks(string $sType, mixed $iOldSurveyID, mixed $iNewSurveyID, string $sString[, bool $isLocalPath = false ]) : string
- $sType : string
'survey' or 'label'
- $iOldSurveyID : mixed
Source SurveyId to be replaced
- $iNewSurveyID : mixed
New SurveyId to be used
- $sString : string
Link (url or local path) to be translated
- $isLocalPath : bool = false
Indicates if the link ($sString) is a local path or a url.
Return values
Returns true if there are old links in answer/question/survey/email template/label set texts.
checkOldLinks(string $type, mixed $oldSurveyId, mixed $string) : bool
- $type : string
'survey' or 'label'
- $oldSurveyId : mixed
- $string : mixed
Return values
bool —True if the provided string includes links to the old survey. If the type is not 'survey' or 'label', it returns false.
This function creates the old fieldnames for survey import
reverseTranslateFieldNames(mixed $iOldSID, int $iNewSID, array<string|int, mixed> $aGIDReplacements, array<string|int, mixed> $aQIDReplacements) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
- $iOldSID : mixed
The old survey ID
- $iNewSID : int
The new survey ID
- $aGIDReplacements : array<string|int, mixed>
An array with group ids (oldgid=>newgid)
- $aQIDReplacements : array<string|int, mixed>
An array with question ids (oldqid=>newqid)
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|boolhasResources()
put your comment there.
hasResources(int $id[, string $type = 'survey' ]) : bool
- $id : int
- $type : string = 'survey'
Return values
Creates a random sequence of characters
randomChars(int $length[, string $pattern = "23456789abcdefghijkmnpqrstuvwxyz" ]) : string
- $length : int
Length of resulting string
- $pattern : string = "23456789abcdefghijkmnpqrstuvwxyz"
To define which characters should be in the resulting string
Return values
used to translate simple text to html (replacing \n with <br />
conditionalNewlineToBreak(string $mytext, mixed $ishtml[, mixed $encoded = '' ]) : mixed
- $mytext : string
- $ishtml : mixed
- $encoded : mixed = ''
breakToNewline(string $data) : mixed
- $data : string
Provides a safe way to end the application
safeDie(string $sText) : void
- $sText : string
fixCKeditorText(string $str) : mixed
- $str : string
This is a helper function for getAttributeFieldNames
filterForAttributes(string $fieldname) : bool
- $fieldname : string
Return values
Retrieves the attribute field names from the related survey participants table
getAttributeFieldNames(mixed $iSurveyID) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $iSurveyID : mixed
The survey ID
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —The fieldnames
Returns the full list of attribute token fields including the properties for each field Use this instead of plain Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->tokenAttributes calls because Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->tokenAttributes may contain old descriptions where the fields does not physically exist
getParticipantAttributes(int $iSurveyID) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $iSurveyID : int
The Survey ID
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>getTokenFieldsAndNames()
Retrieves the attribute names from the related survey participants table
getTokenFieldsAndNames(mixed $surveyid[, bool $bOnlyAttributes = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $surveyid : mixed
The survey ID
- $bOnlyAttributes : bool = false
Set this to true if you only want the fieldnames of the additional attribue fields - defaults to false
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —The fieldnames as key and names as value in an Array
This function strips any content between and including <javascript> tags
stripJavaScript(string|null $sContent) : string
- $sContent : string|null
String to clean
Return values
string —Cleaned string
This function converts emebedded Javascript to Text
showJavaScript(string $sContent) : string
- $sContent : string
String to clean
Return values
string —Cleaned string
This function cleans files from the temporary directory being older than 1 day
cleanTempDirectory() : mixed
useFirebug() : mixed
This is a convenience function for the coversion of datetime values
convertDateTimeFormat(mixed $value, string $fromdateformat, mixed $todateformat) : string
- $value : mixed
- $fromdateformat : string
- $todateformat : mixed
Return values
This is a convenience function to convert any date, in any date format, to the global setting date format Check if the time shoul be rendered also
convertToGlobalSettingFormat(string $sDate[, bool $withTime = false ]) : string
- $sDate : string
- $withTime : bool = false
Return values
This function removes the UTF-8 Byte Order Mark from a string
removeBOM([string $str = "" ]) : string
- $str : string = ""
Return values
This function returns the complete directory path to a given template name
getTemplatePath([mixed $sTemplateName = '' ]) : string
- $sTemplateName : mixed = ''
Return values
This function returns the complete URL path to a given template name
getTemplateURL(mixed $sTemplateName) : string
- $sTemplateName : mixed
Return values
Return an array of subquestions for a given sid/qid
getSubQuestions(int $sid, int $qid, string $sLanguage) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $sid : int
- $qid : int
- $sLanguage : string
Language of the subquestion text
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>getXMLWriter()
Wrapper function to retrieve an xmlwriter object and do error handling if it is not compiled into PHP
getXMLWriter() : mixed
SSLRedirect() generates a redirect URL for the appropriate SSL mode then applies it.
SSLRedirect(string $enforceSSLMode) : mixed
(Was redirect() before CodeIgniter port.)
- $enforceSSLMode : string
string 's' or '' (empty).
enforceSSLMode() $force_ssl is on or off, it checks if the current request is to HTTPS (or not). If $force_ssl is on, and the request is not to HTTPS, it redirects the request to the HTTPS version of the URL, if the request is to HTTPS, it rewrites all the URL variables so they also point to HTTPS.
enforceSSLMode() : mixed
Creates an array with details on a particular response for display purposes Used in Print answers, Detailed response view and Detailed admin notification email
getFullResponseTable(mixed $iSurveyID, mixed $iResponseID, mixed $sLanguageCode[, bool $bHonorConditions = true ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $iSurveyID : mixed
- $iResponseID : mixed
- $sLanguageCode : mixed
- $bHonorConditions : bool = true
Apply conditions
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>isNumericInt()
Check if $str is an integer, or string representation of an integer
isNumericInt(string $mStr) : bool|int
- $mStr : string
Return values
Implode and sort content array for very long arrays
short_implode(string $sDelimeter, mixed $sHyphen, array<string|int, mixed> $aArray) : string
- $sDelimeter : string
- $sHyphen : mixed
- $aArray : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
string —String showing array content
Include Keypad headers
includeKeypad() : mixed
This function replaces the old insertans tags with new ones across a survey
translateInsertansTags(string $newsid, string $oldsid, mixed $fieldnames) : mixed
- $newsid : string
- $oldsid : string
- $fieldnames : mixed
Array array('oldfieldname'=>'newfieldname')
Replaces EM variable codes in a current survey with a new one
replaceExpressionCodes(int $iSurveyID, mixed $aCodeMap) : mixed
- $iSurveyID : int
The survey ID
- $aCodeMap : mixed
The codemap array (old_code=>new_code)
cleanLanguagesFromSurvey() removes any languages from survey tables that are not in the passed list
cleanLanguagesFromSurvey(mixed $iSurveyID, string $availlangs[, mixed $baselang = null ]) : void
- $iSurveyID : mixed
- $availlangs : string
- space separated list of additional languages in survey
- $baselang : mixed = null
fixLanguageConsistency() fixes missing groups, questions, answers, quotas & assessments for languages on a survey
fixLanguageConsistency(int $sid[, string $availlangs = '' ][, string $baselang = '' ]) : bool
- $sid : int
- the currently selected survey
- $availlangs : string = ''
- space separated list of additional languages in survey - if empty all additional languages of a survey are checked against the base language
- $baselang : string = ''
- language to use as base (useful when changing the base language) - if empty, it will be picked from the survey
Return values
bool —- always returns true
Retrieves the last Insert ID realiable for cross-DB applications
getLastInsertID(string $sTableName) : string
- $sTableName : string
Needed for Postgres and MSSQL
Return values
getGroupDepsForConditions() get Dependencies between groups caused by conditions
getGroupDepsForConditions(string $sid[, string $depgid = "all" ][, string $targgid = "all" ][, string $indexby = "by-depgid" ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $sid : string
- the currently selected survey
- $depgid : string = "all"
- (optional) get only the dependencies applying to the group with gid depgid
- $targgid : string = "all"
- (optional) get only the dependencies for groups dependents on group targgid
- $indexby : string = "by-depgid"
- (optional) "by-depgid" for result indexed with $res[$depgid][$targgid] "by-targgid" for result indexed with $res[$targgid][$depgid]
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —- returns an array describing the conditions or NULL if no dependecy is found
Example outupt assumin $index-by="by-depgid": Array ( [125] => Array // Group Id 125 is dependent on ( [123] => Array // Group Id 123 ( [depgpname] => G3 // GID-125 has name G3 [targetgpname] => G1 // GID-123 has name G1 [conditions] => Array ( [189] => Array // Because Question Id 189 ( [0] => 9 // Have condition 9 set [1] => 10 // and condition 10 set [2] => 14 // and condition 14 set )
[124] => Array // GID 125 is also dependent on GID 124
[depgpname] => G3
[targetgpname] => G2
[conditions] => Array
[189] => Array // Because Question Id 189 have conditions set
[0] => 11
[215] => Array // And because Question Id 215 have conditions set
[0] => 12
Usage example:
- Get all group dependencies for SID $sid indexed by depgid: $result=getGroupDepsForConditions($sid);
- Get all group dependencies for GID $gid in survey $sid indexed by depgid: $result=getGroupDepsForConditions($sid,$gid);
- Get all group dependents on group $gid in survey $sid indexed by targgid: $result=getGroupDepsForConditions($sid,"all",$gid,"by-targgid");
getQuestDepsForConditions() get Dependencies between groups caused by conditions
getQuestDepsForConditions(string $sid[, string $gid = "all" ][, string $depqid = "all" ][, string $targqid = "all" ][, string $indexby = "by-depqid" ][, mixed $searchscope = "samegroup" ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $sid : string
- the currently selected survey
- $gid : string = "all"
- (optional) only search dependecies inside the Group Id $gid
- $depqid : string = "all"
- (optional) get only the dependencies applying to the question with qid depqid
- $targqid : string = "all"
- (optional) get only the dependencies for questions dependents on question Id targqid
- $indexby : string = "by-depqid"
- (optional) "by-depqid" for result indexed with $res[$depqid][$targqid] "by-targqid" for result indexed with $res[$targqid][$depqid]
- $searchscope : mixed = "samegroup"
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —- returns an array describing the conditions or NULL if no dependecy is found
Example outupt assumin $index-by="by-depqid": Array ( [184] => Array // Question Id 184 ( [183] => Array // Depends on Question Id 183 ( [0] => 5 // Because of condition Id 5 )
Usage example:
- Get all questions dependencies for Survey $sid and group $gid indexed by depqid: $result=getQuestDepsForConditions($sid,$gid);
- Get all questions dependencies for question $qid in survey/group $sid/$gid indexed by depqid: $result=getGroupDepsForConditions($sid,$gid,$qid);
- Get all questions dependents on question $qid in survey/group $sid/$gid indexed by targqid: $result=getGroupDepsForConditions($sid,$gid,"all",$qid,"by-targgid");
Escapes a text value for db
dbQuoteAll(string $value) : string
- $value : string