Table of Contents
- CopyQuestion
- Class CopyQuestion
- CopySurveyResources
- This class is responsible for copying a survey's resources.
- CoreQuestionAttributeProvider
- Provides question attribute definitions from question types
- CreateSurvey
- This class is responsible for creating a new survey.
- Exception
- FilterImportedResources
- GroupHelper
- IpAddressAnonymizer
- This class offers a function to anonymize ip addresses.
- ParticipantBlacklistHandler
- PasswordManagement
- This class contains all functions for the process of password reset and creating new administration users and sending email to those with a link to set the password.
- PermissionManager
- Service class for managing permission
- PluginQuestionAttributeProvider
- Provides question attribute definitions from plugins
- QuestionAggregateService
- Question Aggregate Service
- QuestionAttributeFetcher
- Fetches question attribute definitions from the available providers
- QuestionAttributeHelper
- QuestionAttributeProvider
- Base class for question attribute definition providers
- QuestionGroupService
- QuickTranslation
- This class is responsible for quick translation and all DB actions needed.
- Quotas
- SurveyAggregateService
- Survey Aggregate Service
- SurveyIntegrity
- Service class to fix integrity on a single survey
- SurveyPermissions
- This class is responsible for the relationship between permissions, users and surveys.
- SurveysGroupCreator
- Service class for survey group creation.
- ThemeQuestionAttributeProvider
- Provides question attribute definitions from question themes
- UploadValidator
- UserManager
- Service class for managing users and their permissions