LimeSurvey API - Master branch

TwigCommand extends CConsoleCommand
in package

This class will generate all the twig cache file from command line, even if LimeSurvey is not installed.

The current use case is to generate the translation files using Glot Press. In the future, it could be use to boost performance of first survey rendering (can be useful after a tmp cleanup, an update, etc).

To execute this command : php application/commands/console.php Twig generateTwigTmpFiles

It will execute all the functions

Table of Contents


$aLogs  : mixed


actionGenerateAdminCache()  : mixed
Generate twig cache files for admin views.
actionGenerateQuestionsCache()  : mixed
Generate twig cache files for each question type.
actionGenerateQuestionThemesCache()  : mixed
Generate twig cache files for each core question theme
actionGenerateSurveyThemesCache()  : mixed
Generate twig cache files for each core survey theme
actionGenerateTwigTmpFiles()  : mixed
Generate twig cache files for each core Survey Theme and core questions views.
actionIndex()  : mixed
init()  : mixed
Load the needed helpers, set default vaules, etc
getQuestionThemePaths()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Finds all subfolders of $questionThemeDirectory containing XML files
renderSurveyTheme()  : mixed
Generate the cache for a given survey theme
renderSurveyThemeManifest()  : mixed
Generate the cache for the twig strings inside the manifest itself




Generate twig cache files for admin views.

public actionGenerateAdminCache([string $sAdminDir = null ]) : mixed

NOTE: It's a recursive function which build every twig file in admin area.

$sAdminDir : string = null

the directory to parse, where to find the twig files.


Generate twig cache files for each question type.

public actionGenerateQuestionsCache([string $sQuestionDir = null ]) : mixed

NOTE 1: It's a recursive function, since some directories are the question type itself (it has an answer.twig file) but other containes various question types as subdirectories. NOTE 2: Currenlty arrays are skipped. We need to set default data, so it will be done in LS4, at the same time than Question Theme Editor.

$sQuestionDir : string = null

the directory to parse, where to find the answer.twig file.


Generate twig cache files for each core question theme

public actionGenerateQuestionThemesCache([string $themesRootDir = null ]) : mixed
$themesRootDir : string = null

the directory to parse, where to find the manifests.


Generate twig cache files for each core survey theme

public actionGenerateSurveyThemesCache([string $sThemeDir = null ]) : mixed
$sThemeDir : string = null

the directory to parse, where to find the manifests.


Generate twig cache files for each core Survey Theme and core questions views.

public actionGenerateTwigTmpFiles([mixed $sThemeDir = null ][, mixed $bGenerateSurveyCache = true ][, mixed $bGenerateQuestionsCache = true ][, mixed $bGenerateAdminCache = true ][, mixed $bGenerateQuestionThemeCache = true ]) : mixed
$sThemeDir : mixed = null
$bGenerateSurveyCache : mixed = true
$bGenerateQuestionsCache : mixed = true
$bGenerateAdminCache : mixed = true
$bGenerateQuestionThemeCache : mixed = true


Load the needed helpers, set default vaules, etc

public init() : mixed


Finds all subfolders of $questionThemeDirectory containing XML files

private getQuestionThemePaths(string $questionThemeDirectory) : array<string|int, mixed>
$questionThemeDirectory : string
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Generate the cache for a given survey theme

private renderSurveyTheme(mixed $oTemplateForPreview) : mixed
$oTemplateForPreview : mixed


Generate the cache for the twig strings inside the manifest itself

private renderSurveyThemeManifest(mixed $oTemplateForPreview) : mixed
$oTemplateForPreview : mixed

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