LimeSurvey API - Master branch

PreviewModalWidget extends CWidget
in package

Used for question type select, display export options.


Split into two widgets?

Table of Contents


$buttonClasses  : array<string|int, string>
If the button should have any extra classes or modifications.
$closeButton  : string
These are pretty standard and may not need to be changed
$currentSelected  : string
This may be the value also, but oftentimes you'd want this to be an easy to read title
$debug  : bool
$debugKeyCheck  : string
Display this with the items key in debug mode
$groupItemsKey  : string
If using the grouped view this should be the key of the grouped items array key
$groupStructureArray  : array<string|int, mixed>
Either a group or an items array must be given
$groupTitleKey  : string
If using the grouped view this should be the key to get the group title
$iconPosition  : string
The position the icon has in the modal button
$itemsArray  : array<string|int, mixed>
$modalTitle  : string
The title the widgets modal will have
$optionArray  : array<string|int, mixed>
This is the option array that gets fed into the javascript.
$previewWindowTitle  : string
The title of the preview window
$renderType  : string
RenderType should either be modal, simple, group-simple or group-modal
$selectButton  : string
$survey_active  : bool
$theme  : string
QuestionTheme name
$value  : mixed
There should be a value set
$widgetsJsName  : string
The name the widget will be rendered to, please make sure it is unique!


getButtonOrSelect()  : string|void
getModal()  : string|void
getView()  : string
run()  : void
registerScripts()  : void



If the button should have any extra classes or modifications.

public array<string|int, string> $buttonClasses = ['btn-outline-secondary']


These are pretty standard and may not need to be changed

public string $closeButton = "Close"


This may be the value also, but oftentimes you'd want this to be an easy to read title

public string $currentSelected = ""


Display this with the items key in debug mode

public string $debugKeyCheck = "Key: "


If using the grouped view this should be the key of the grouped items array key

public string $groupItemsKey = "items"


Either a group or an items array must be given

public array<string|int, mixed> $groupStructureArray = []


If using the grouped view this should be the key to get the group title

public string $groupTitleKey = "title"


The position the icon has in the modal button

public string $iconPosition = 'front'


The title the widgets modal will have

public string $modalTitle = "Select please"


This is the option array that gets fed into the javascript.

public array<string|int, mixed> $optionArray = []


The title of the preview window

public string $previewWindowTitle = ""


RenderType should either be modal, simple, group-simple or group-modal

public string $renderType = 'modal'


public bool $survey_active = \false

true if survey is active, in this case questiontype should not be changed (button disabled)


The name the widget will be rendered to, please make sure it is unique!

public string $widgetsJsName = ""



public getButtonOrSelect([bool $return = false ]) : string|void
$return : bool = false
Return values


public getModal([bool $return = false ]) : string|void
$return : bool = false
Return values

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