LimeSurvey API - Master branch

in package
implements iPluginStorage

Table of Contents




__construct()  : mixed
Constructor must not take argument.
get()  : mixed
Always fail to get.
set()  : mixed
Always fail to save.



Constructor must not take argument.

public __construct() : mixed

The constructor must be part of the interface since our Plugin factory calls it and thus must know its arguments.


Always fail to get.

public get(mixed $plugin[, mixed $key = null ][, mixed $model = null ][, mixed $id = null ][, mixed $default = null ][, mixed $language = null ]) : mixed
$plugin : mixed

The plugin object getting its data.

$key : mixed = null
$model : mixed = null

Name of a model in case its model specific plugin data, like for a specific question or survey.

$id : mixed = null

Id of the model for which the data is retreived

$default : mixed = null

The default value to use when none present

$language : mixed = null

The optional language to use

Return values

The data stored.


Always fail to save.

public set(mixed $plugin, mixed $key, mixed $data[, mixed $model = 'NULL' ][, mixed $id = 'NULL' ][, mixed $language = 'NULL' ]) : mixed
$plugin : mixed

The plugin object getting its data.

$key : mixed

The storage key to identify the data.

$data : mixed

The data to be stored, serialized using serialize.

$model : mixed = 'NULL'

Name of a model in case its model specific plugin data, like for a specific question or survey.

$id : mixed = 'NULL'

Id of the model for which the data is retreived

$language : mixed = 'NULL'

The optional language to use

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