LimeSurvey API - Master branch


Class ThemeFileInfo

This class represents a theme file. It includes the real path, the virtual path, and the category.

Virtual paths are a special notation for relative paths, including a prefix to give context. Eg.: the path "image::theme::files/logo.png" is relative to the theme folder, while "image::generalfiles::" is relative to the general files folder. If $path is not valid, returns null. Paths can be

  • related to a global theme option and hence the file be located on the generalfiles directory.
  • related to a survey theme option and hence the file be located relative to a survey upload directory.
  • related to a theme and hence the file be located on the theme directory (eg. when uploaded from theme editor)

Table of Contents


$category  : ThemeFileCategory
$realPath  : string
$virtualPath  : string


__construct()  : mixed



public string $realPath

the real path to the file (eg. '/var/www/html/limesurvey/themes/survey/vanilla/files/logo.png')


public string $virtualPath

the virtual path to the file (eg. 'image::theme::logo.png')


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