LimeSurvey API - Master branch

in package

Table of Contents


$answerFormat  : string
Valid values are: "short" = Answer codes "long" = Full answers
$aResponses  : string
$convertN  : bool
If $answerFormat is set to "short" then this indicates that 'N' responses should be converted to another value that is specified by $nValue.
$convertY  : bool
If $answerFormat is set to "short" then this indicates that 'Y' responses should be converted to another value that is specified by $yValue.
$csvFieldSeparator  : string
What is the character to separate CSV fields
$csvMaskEquations  : bool
Mask CSV/Excelt equation fields to prevent CSV injection attackts
$format  : mixed
$headCodeTextSeparator  : bool
What is the characters to separate code and text
$headerSpacesToUnderscores  : bool
Indicates whether to convert spaces in question headers to underscores.
$headingFormat  : string
Acceptable values are: "abbreviated" = Abbreviated headings "full" = Full headings "code" = Question codes
$headingTextLength  : int
Indicates whether to ellipsize each text part to.
$nValue  : mixed
$output  : string
Destination format - either 'display' (send to browser) or 'file' (send to file)
$responseCompletionState  : mixed
Acceptable values are: "complete" = include only incomplete answers "incomplete" = only include incomplete answers "all" = include ALL answers
$responseMaxRecord  : mixed
$responseMinRecord  : mixed
$selectedColumns  : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
The columns that have been selected for output. The values must be in fieldMap format.
$stripHtmlCode  : string
Strip HTML code Valid values are: "1" = Strip HTML code "0" = No stripping
$useEMCode  : bool
Indicates whether to use ExpressionScript Engine code
$yValue  : mixed


toString()  : mixed



Valid values are: "short" = Answer codes "long" = Full answers

public string $answerFormat


If $answerFormat is set to "short" then this indicates that 'N' responses should be converted to another value that is specified by $nValue.

public bool $convertN


If $answerFormat is set to "short" then this indicates that 'Y' responses should be converted to another value that is specified by $yValue.

public bool $convertY


What is the character to separate CSV fields

public string $csvFieldSeparator


Mask CSV/Excelt equation fields to prevent CSV injection attackts

public bool $csvMaskEquations = \false


What is the characters to separate code and text

public bool $headCodeTextSeparator


Indicates whether to convert spaces in question headers to underscores.

public bool $headerSpacesToUnderscores


Acceptable values are: "abbreviated" = Abbreviated headings "full" = Full headings "code" = Question codes

public string $headingFormat


Indicates whether to ellipsize each text part to.

public int $headingTextLength


Destination format - either 'display' (send to browser) or 'file' (send to file)

public string $output


Acceptable values are: "complete" = include only incomplete answers "incomplete" = only include incomplete answers "all" = include ALL answers

public mixed $responseCompletionState


The columns that have been selected for output. The values must be in fieldMap format.

public array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>> $selectedColumns


Strip HTML code Valid values are: "1" = Strip HTML code "0" = No stripping

public string $stripHtmlCode


Indicates whether to use ExpressionScript Engine code

public bool $useEMCode


On this page

Search results