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Date and Time Converter by Elac v0.9.3

You are free to use this code free of charge, modify it, and distrubute it, just leave this comment block at the top of this file.

Changes/Modifications 6/24/08 - Version 0.9.2 released. Minor additions - Added "S" support. (th, rd, st, nd. example: 5th) - Added a few more abbreviations for units of time in calculate() (s. sec. secs. min. mins. m. and more) - Added example.php (php examples and usage) and date_time_formats.html (list of supported date/time formats) to the package. 6/25/08 - Version 0.9.3 released. Bug fixes - Fixed month subtraction (wrap to previous year) bug - Fixed month and year "$only_return_the_value=true" bug. If you calculated by months or years, and set $only_return_the_value=true, it would overwrite the values instead of just returning them. - Fixed the "D" (Sun, Mon, Tue) bug. If you supplied "D" and "d" in the same mask, it would not return the correct output. - Changed the names of public variables "day", "month", and "year" added "s" at the end for consistency purposes 11/14/08 - Version 0.9.4 released. Bug fix - Got rid of the _one_dig_num function and used ltrim($num "0") instead

Table of Contents


$ampm  : mixed
$date_time  : string
The date to be calculated. ex: 12/30/2008 17:40:00
$date_time_mask  : string
The php date() style format that $date_time is in. ex: m/d/Y H:i:s
$date_time_stamp  : mixed
The date to be calculated in timestamp format
$days  : mixed
$hours  : mixed
$minutes  : mixed
$months  : mixed
$seconds  : mixed
$years  : mixed


__construct()  : mixed
Constructor. This is where you supply the date. Accepts almost any format of date as long as you supply the correct mask. DOES accept dates without leading zeros (n,j,g,G) as long as they aren't bunched together.
__destruct()  : mixed
convert()  : mixed
Sets a new format/mask for the date using the php date() style formatting Example: $obj->convert("M j Y H:i:s A");
set_date_time()  : mixed
Changes the date to a new one.
_date_to_timestamp()  : mixed
Private Function. Converts a date into a timestamp. Accepts almost any format of date as long as you supply the correct mask. DOES accept dates without leading zeros (n,j,g,G) as long as they aren't bunched together.
_default_date_time_units()  : mixed
Private function. Resets date and time unit variables to default
_month_num()  : mixed
Private Function. Converts a textual month into a digit. Accepts almost any textual format of a month including abbreviations.



The date to be calculated. ex: 12/30/2008 17:40:00

public string $date_time


The php date() style format that $date_time is in. ex: m/d/Y H:i:s

public string $date_time_mask


The date to be calculated in timestamp format

public mixed $date_time_stamp



Constructor. This is where you supply the date. Accepts almost any format of date as long as you supply the correct mask. DOES accept dates without leading zeros (n,j,g,G) as long as they aren't bunched together.

public __construct(mixed $sDate, mixed $sFormat) : mixed

ie: ("1152008", "njY") wont work; ("1/15/2008", "n/j/2008") will work. Example: $obj = new Date_Time_Calc('12/30/2008 17:40:00', 'm/d/Y H:i:s');

$sDate : mixed
$sFormat : mixed


Sets a new format/mask for the date using the php date() style formatting Example: $obj->convert("M j Y H:i:s A");

public convert(mixed $new_mask[, mixed $save = true ]) : mixed
$new_mask : mixed
$save : mixed = true


Changes the date to a new one.

public set_date_time(mixed $start_date_time, mixed $mask) : mixed

Example: $obj->set_date_time('11/20/2005 07:40:00 AM', 'm/d/Y H:i:s A');

$start_date_time : mixed
$mask : mixed


Private Function. Converts a date into a timestamp. Accepts almost any format of date as long as you supply the correct mask. DOES accept dates without leading zeros (n,j,g,G) as long as they aren't bunched together.

private _date_to_timestamp(mixed $thedate, mixed $mask) : mixed

ie: ("1152008", "njY") wont work; ("1/15/2008", "n/j/2008") will work

$thedate : mixed
$mask : mixed


Private function. Resets date and time unit variables to default

private _default_date_time_units() : mixed


Private Function. Converts a textual month into a digit. Accepts almost any textual format of a month including abbreviations.

private _month_num(mixed $themonth[, mixed $return_two_digit = false ]) : mixed

Example: _month_num("jan"); //returns '1' Example2: _month_num("january", true); //returns '01'

$themonth : mixed
$return_two_digit : mixed = false

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