LimeSurvey API - Master branch

CaptchaExtendedAction extends CCaptchaAction
in package

Yii extended captcha supporting more complex formulas and masking techniques.


  • supported modes: logical, words, mathverbal, math, default
  • supported extended characters latin1, latin2 (utf-8) including middle- east- european and cyrillyc characters
  • implements masking elements: dots density, through lines, fillSections, font color varying


  1) unzip files into ../protected/extensions/captchaExtended/*.*

2) Register class paths to [CaptchaExtendedAction] and [CaptchaExtendedValidator], e.g. in components/controller.php:

	public function init(){
		// import class paths for captcha extended
		Yii::$classMap = array_merge( Yii::$classMap, array(
			'CaptchaExtendedAction' => Yii::getPathOfAlias('ext.captchaExtended').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'CaptchaExtendedAction.php',
			'CaptchaExtendedValidator' => Yii::getPathOfAlias('ext.captchaExtended').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'CaptchaExtendedValidator.php'

  3) Define action in controller, e.g. SiteController:

	public function actions(){
		return array(

  4) Define client validation in model::rules():

	public function rules(){
		return array(
			array('verifyCode', 'CaptchaExtendedValidator', 'allowEmpty'=>!CCaptcha::checkRequirements()),

   5) If needed, collect localized strings via CLI command "yiic message messages/config.php" and translate captcha related strings.

   6) If needed, you can tune captcha modes and visibility options:
	  - In "words" mode, you can place your own file [words.txt] or [words.yourlanguage.txt]
	  - If needed, set the dots density [0-100], the number of through lines [0-] or fillSections [0-], font and background colors

   7) Test & enjoy!

Table of Contents


MODE_DEFAULT  = 'default'
MODE_LOGICAL  = 'logical'
MODE_MATH  = 'math'
MODE_MATHVERBAL  = 'mathverbal'
MODE_WORDS  = 'words'


$density  : mixed
Dots density around characters 0 - 100%
$fileWords  : mixed
Path to the file to be used for generating random words in "words" mode
$fillSections  : mixed
The number of sections to be filled with random flood color
$lines  : mixed
The number of lines drawn through the generated captcha picture
$mode  : mixed
Captcha mode, supported values are [logical, words, mathverbal, math, default].
$offset  : int
$regenerateOnValid  : mixed
If True, regenerate captcha if user enters valid code


getVerifyCode()  : string
Gets the verification code.
getVerifyResult()  : mixed
Return verification result expected by user
run()  : mixed
Run action
validate()  : whether
Validates the input to see if it matches the generated code.
generateValidationHashCI()  : mixed
Return hash for case insensitive result (converted to lowercase)
generateVerifyCode()  : string
Generates a new verification code.
getCodeLogical()  : mixed
Return code for logical formula like min(one,7,four)
getCodeMath()  : mixed
Return code for math mode like 9+1= or 95-5=
getCodeMathVerbal()  : mixed
Return code for verbal math mode like "How much is 1 plus 1 ?"
getCodeWords()  : mixed
Return code for random words from text file.
getNumber()  : mixed
Return verbal representation for supplied number, like 1 => one
getNumbers()  : mixed
Return numbers 0..9 translated into word
purifyWord()  : mixed
Return captcha word without dirty characters like *,/,{,},.. Retain diacritics if unicode supported.
renderImage()  : string
Renders the CAPTCHA image based on the code.




Path to the file to be used for generating random words in "words" mode

public mixed $fileWords


The number of sections to be filled with random flood color

public mixed $fillSections = 5


The number of lines drawn through the generated captcha picture

public mixed $lines = 2


Captcha mode, supported values are [logical, words, mathverbal, math, default].

public mixed $mode = self::MODE_DEFAULT

Default value is [default], which uses native frameworks implementation. Captcha mode examples:

  • logical e.g. min(5, one, 9) or max (two, three, 3)
  • words e.g. [localized random words] (supports translated strings in UTF-8 including latin2 and cyrillic)
  • mathverbal e.g. How much is 12 plus 8 ?
  • math e.g. 93 - 3 =
  • default e.g. random latin1 characters


If True, regenerate captcha if user enters valid code

public mixed $regenerateOnValid = \true



Gets the verification code.

public getVerifyCode([bool $regenerate = false ]) : string
$regenerate : bool = false

whether the verification code should be regenerated.

Return values

the verification code.


Return verification result expected by user

public getVerifyResult([bool $regenerate = false ]) : mixed
$regenerate : bool = false


Validates the input to see if it matches the generated code.

public validate(string $input, bool $caseSensitive) : whether
$input : string

user input

$caseSensitive : bool

whether the comparison should be case-sensitive

Return values

the input is valid


Return hash for case insensitive result (converted to lowercase)

protected generateValidationHashCI(string $result) : mixed
$result : string


Generates a new verification code.

protected generateVerifyCode() : string
Return values

the generated verification code


Return code for logical formula like min(one,7,four)

protected getCodeLogical() : mixed


Return code for verbal math mode like "How much is 1 plus 1 ?"

protected getCodeMathVerbal() : mixed


Return code for random words from text file.

protected getCodeWords() : mixed

First we'll try to load file for current language, like [] If not found, we will try to load generic file like [words.txt]


Return verbal representation for supplied number, like 1 => one

protected static getNumber(int $n) : mixed
$n : int

The number to be translated


Return numbers 0..9 translated into word

protected static getNumbers() : mixed


Return captcha word without dirty characters like *,/,{,},.. Retain diacritics if unicode supported.

protected purifyWord(string $w) : mixed
$w : string

The word to be purified


Renders the CAPTCHA image based on the code.

protected renderImage(string $code) : string
$code : string

the verification code

Return values

image content

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