LimeSurvey API - Master branch

AuditLog extends PluginBase
in package

Table of Contents


$allowedPublicMethods  : mixed
$description  : mixed
$name  : mixed
$settings  : mixed
$storage  : mixed


afterFailedLoginAttempt()  : unknown_type
Failed login attempt to the audit log
afterSuccessfulLogin()  : unknown_type
Successfull login to the audit log
beforeActivate()  : mixed
beforeDataEntryCreate()  : unknown_type
Function catches if a response was created
beforeDataEntryDelete()  : unknown_type
Function catches if a response was deleted
beforeDataEntryImport()  : unknown_type
Log import responses
beforeDataEntryUpdate()  : unknown_type
Function catches if a response was modified
beforeLogout()  : unknown_type
User logout to the audit log
beforeParticipantDelete()  : mixed
Function catches if a central database participant was modified or created All data is saved - only the password hash is anonymized for security reasons
beforeParticipantSave()  : mixed
Function catches if a central database participant was modified or created All data is saved - only the password hash is anonymized for security reasons
beforePermissionSetSave()  : mixed
Saves permissions changes to the audit log
beforeSurveySettings()  : mixed
This event is fired by the administration panel to gather extra settings available for a survey.
beforeSurveySettingsSave()  : mixed
beforeTokenDelete()  : mixed
Function catches if a participant of a particular survey was deleted All data is saved
beforeTokenDeleteMany()  : mixed
Function catches if multiple participants of a particular survey were deleted All data is saved
beforeTokenSave()  : mixed
Function catches if a participant of a particular survey was modified or created All data is saved - only the password hash is anonymized for security reasons
beforeUserDelete()  : mixed
Function catches if a user was deleted All data is saved - only the password hash is anonymized for security reasons
beforeUserSave()  : mixed
Function catches if a user was modified or created All data is saved - only the password hash is anonymized for security reasons
init()  : mixed
newSurveySettings()  : mixed
checkSetting()  : bool
check for setting for a single operation event, login user, save or delete



public mixed $allowedPublicMethods = array()

this plugin didn't have any public method


protected static mixed $description = 'Core: Create an audit log of changes'


protected static mixed $name = 'auditlog'


protected mixed $settings = array('AuditLog_Log_UserSave' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => 'Log if a user was modified or created', 'default' => '1'), 'AuditLog_Log_UserLogin' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => 'Log if a user has logged in successfully', 'default' => '1'), 'AuditLog_Log_UserLogout' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => 'Log if user has logged out', 'default' => '1'), 'AuditLog_Log_UserFailedLoginAttempt' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => 'Log if a user login has failed', 'default' => '1'), 'AuditLog_Log_UserDelete' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => 'Log if a user was deleted', 'default' => '1'), 'AuditLog_Log_DataEntryCreate' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => 'Log if a survey admin creates a response', 'default' => '1'), 'AuditLog_Log_DataEntryUpdate' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => 'Log if a survey admin modifies a response', 'default' => '1'), 'AuditLog_Log_DataEntryDelete' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => 'Log if a survey admin delete a response', 'default' => '1'), 'AuditLog_Log_DataEntryImport' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => 'Log if a survey admin imports responses', 'default' => '1'), 'AuditLog_Log_TokenSave' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => 'Log if a survey participant was modified or created', 'default' => '1'), 'AuditLog_Log_TokenDelete' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => 'Log if a survey participant was deleted', 'default' => '1'), 'AuditLog_Log_ParticipantSave' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => 'Log if a central database participant was modified or created', 'default' => '1'), 'AuditLog_Log_ParticipantDelete' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => 'Log if a central database participant was deleted', 'default' => '1'), 'AuditLog_Log_UserPermissionsChanged' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => 'Log if a user permissions changes', 'default' => '1'), 'AuditLog_Log_SurveySettings' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => 'Log if a user changes survey settings', 'default' => '1'))


protected mixed $storage = 'DbStorage'



Failed login attempt to the audit log

public afterFailedLoginAttempt() : unknown_type
Return values


Successfull login to the audit log

public afterSuccessfulLogin() : unknown_type
Return values


public beforeActivate() : mixed


Function catches if a response was created

public beforeDataEntryCreate() : unknown_type
Return values


Function catches if a response was deleted

public beforeDataEntryDelete() : unknown_type
Return values


Log import responses

public beforeDataEntryImport() : unknown_type
Return values


Function catches if a response was modified

public beforeDataEntryUpdate() : unknown_type
Return values


User logout to the audit log

public beforeLogout() : unknown_type
Return values


Function catches if a central database participant was modified or created All data is saved - only the password hash is anonymized for security reasons

public beforeParticipantDelete() : mixed


Function catches if a central database participant was modified or created All data is saved - only the password hash is anonymized for security reasons

public beforeParticipantSave() : mixed


Saves permissions changes to the audit log

public beforePermissionSetSave() : mixed


This event is fired by the administration panel to gather extra settings available for a survey.

public beforeSurveySettings() : mixed

The plugin should return setting meta data.


public beforeSurveySettingsSave() : mixed


Function catches if a participant of a particular survey was deleted All data is saved

public beforeTokenDelete() : mixed


Function catches if multiple participants of a particular survey were deleted All data is saved

public beforeTokenDeleteMany() : mixed


Function catches if a participant of a particular survey was modified or created All data is saved - only the password hash is anonymized for security reasons

public beforeTokenSave() : mixed


Function catches if a user was deleted All data is saved - only the password hash is anonymized for security reasons

public beforeUserDelete() : mixed


Function catches if a user was modified or created All data is saved - only the password hash is anonymized for security reasons

public beforeUserSave() : mixed


public newSurveySettings() : mixed


check for setting for a single operation event, login user, save or delete

private checkSetting(mixed $settingName) : bool
$settingName : mixed
Return values

On this page

Search results